Sunday, December 4, 2011

Movie Poster Appreciation

Shame official poster
Black Swan by Vincent Gabriele

The Birds by Hopko Designs
The Prestige by Edson Muzada
Carrie by Malika Favre


  1. Love, love, love all these posters - even if I am not a fan of Black Swan, that is a great poster!

    Thanks for sharing, these!

  2. Awesome selection of posters, Carrie is definetely my favourite!

  3. When I first saw the poster for SHAME, I knew, right away, that I had to see that film by any means necessary. I avoided trailers, reviews, everything. Thankfully, the poster lived up to my insane, self-imposed hype.

  4. Have you seen the movie yet? It's my Black Swan of 2011, I have such insane expectations for it. I loved Hunger so much, Steve McQueen is one of the most impressive directors working nowadays.

  5. Sati - I have exactly the same thoughts about Shame - Black Swan of 2011:) I've been wondering about it lately - all the waiting, excitement and this feeling that you're gonna love it...

  6. I hope it appears in December as Black Swan did, as a lovely gift for Christmas :)
