Monday, July 30, 2012

Scene of the Week: The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo

Out in the cold
directed by David Fincher

The Scene: In the powerful ending scene Lisbeth goes to see Mikael, carrying along a gift - a leather jacket just like she saw him wear in one of the photos from his youth. When she gets to her destination she sees Mikael leaving his place along with Erika, his girlfriend, whom he hugs. As Lisbeth is watching them you can see the heartbreak in her eyes and the sense she doesn't feel like she belongs in Mikael's life anymore, along with realization - she never really did. She walks away, throws the gift in the trash and leaves while gorgeous "What if we could?" plays in the background.


  1. I wasn't a fan of this scene. I don't know which version(this or the Swedish) but in the swedish version she was much more casual about there sexual encounter rather than her being a rejected lover. That was one of the aspects o the swedish version i really loved, since most of the time if two characters have sex in a movie they either fall in love or are just hiding there feelings until the 3rd act.

    1. I didn't think it was about sex or even love. It was about her finally finding someone who she wanted to let in her life, and that moment she saw he may already have a life and doesn't need for her to be in it.

    2. I meant to say which version is closer to the book. But anyways, i can see where you're coming from but i still feel like the original did better in this aspect for me(Although for me i still prefer the original as a whole)

    3. I’m sure you’ve already come across the answer sometime in the last 11 years (lol), but the American version is much closer to the book in this respect. This is pretty much exactly how the book ends.

  2. I thought this was a perfect ending for the film, showing how much Lisbeth had grown yet when she throws away the coat we see she still remains true to her roots. (I also liked this version much better than the original).

    1. I did too, so much better than original in every possible way.

  3. Ugh, that scene was heartbreaking. Men are bastards.

    by the way, I gave you an award - it comes with questions and stuff. you can keep it going or not, it's up to you. :)

    Here it is:

    1. They really are, though Craig's Mikael wasn't all bad :)

      Awesome will write the post now!

  4. I was almost in tears for her with this scene!! Poor thing

  5. I need to see the film again.

    1. Me too, haven't seen it since it was in the theatres and it's such a great movie.

  6. Sati.

    I have chosen your site to win the Liebster award. Go here to learn more.

  7. I have just given you the Liebster award! Congrats!

    In case you already have one.. the more the more awesome!

    1. The more the more awesome indeed, love all of those questions!

  8. I haven't seen this movie but the scene you described sounds so heartbreaking. Poor Lisbeth!

    1. You should definetly see the movie, it's really great and Mara was fantastic!

  9. I haven't seen this movie yet. That sounds like a heart-wrenching scene. Have you seen the Swedish version of this film too?

    1. I did, I liked the Swedish version but I thought Fincher's was superor in every way.

  10. Nawwww, I love this scene! Even though it rips my little heart out and tears it into pieces. What If We Could is one of my favourite songs from last year.

    1. Me too, it's such a memorable, beautiful ending! WIWC is terric, one of my favs as well!

  11. That was a great scene, I liked the film ended on a bummer. I wish I could find a jacket like that laying on the top of a dumpster.

    what's the hold up on people not seeing this yet? It's one of Fincher's best.

    1. I really don't know, perhaps they saw Swedish version and they aren't in a rush to see this one, I thought this movie was better in every way and probably Fincher's best since...maybe even Fight Club.

  12. Even though I'm not a fan of this film at all, I can't disagree with you; it is a beautiful scene

    1. I was especially plesantly surprised because I didn't like Swedish versions's ending this one was so much more inspired and unique.

  13. Did you read the book? The American ending is much more in line with what happens in the book even though the gift she is bringing him is different. I liked the American version much more than the Swedish because of things like this. The novel is very clear about the emotional context of their relationship and the Swedish one didn't have any of that. It was just about sex it seemed.

    I love this feature by the way! I just read your Prometheus one and went back to read a bunch of older ones which lead me to this. I was surprised this was the scene you went with but it's cool to showcase one of the more subtle scenes of the film.

    1. I did, but only the first one - didn't enjoy it too much, though the character of Lisbeth is fantastic. I loved that they stayed close to book's ending with this version - it's a beautiful moment. I agree completely - this version made their relationship so much more meaningful.

      Thank you! I usually choose the scenes I remember best from particular movies and this moment from "The Girl..." stayed with me after the movie.
