Sunday, December 1, 2013

Breaking Emotions: Hate + Love

This week MettelRay chose Hate and Love as the final emotions for her blogathon. I decided to approach HATE as the scenes which really get me to HATE things and LOVE as the scenes that I love to watch, that kinda make my love for cinema justified - first one is funny, second one is a visual treat and the third one, well, the third one is perfect.


The Hunt
Psychologist scene

Fuck you psychologist.

the whole damn movie / opening scene

Fuck you Lars Von Trier.

Project Nim
the whole damn movie / all the times people abandoned Nim

Fuck you human race.

In the Loop
whole movie / Malcolm's definition of the 'fact'
This. Forever this.

Out of Sight
Tub scene This is one nice scene. 

Black Swan
Black Swan coda
I cannot quite believe it, but Natalie Portman's heart stopping Black Swan coda is not on youtube (unless you count the crappy version quality). Yes, it's not Portman dancing, just her face on the professional's dancer's body, but the illusion is complete and it's the film true culminating moment in which Nina finally lets go (or as I often like to suggest the possession is complete). It's just breathtaking.

Also in blogathon:


  1. Great choices Sati, good to see Black Swan on here.

  2. Haven't seen the scenes for hate, but great picks for love! Capaldi probably won't be a rageful cussing Doctor Who but his In The Loop personality is just so epic.
    Out Of Sight is now on my to watch list, but I couldn't help but laugh at the candles. Would Clooney really use candles?
    If I couldn't love Black Swan anymore, I found an essay on Darren's use for mirrors ( Nice list!!

    1. I didn't even notice the candles, I was so preoccupied with staring at Clooney :) Out of Sight is a terrific movie!

      Oh, awesome I'm gonna check that article out!

    2. It was definitely an interesting take on Nina's different personalities - hope you like it!
      haha I should've been more distracted by his handsomeness.

  3. LOL at your hates. I wanted to rage after I sat through Antichrist. Now I really want to watch Black Swan again! I love that movie so much.

    1. Black Swan is the best! :P

      I kinda think Nymphomaniac will top Antichrist in terms of awfulness.

    2. If that actually happens I will literally shit in my pants. If only to make everything around me somehow better and less awful/disgusting.

    3. I don't think this will be enough :P

  4. Love, hate and bad, evil. These things start at a point, travel through a continuum and end at the opposite point. I am extreme lover of Swanlake. I would like to be dedicated like her once.

    1. Her dedication really was a wonder to behold.

  5. I would've liked to stab that psychologist. And Black Swan is perfection.

    1. Same here. What a terrible person that guy was.

  6. In the Loop was refreshingly funny...even if I wanted to strangle that incompetent assistant.

  7. I love Black Swan. Have you ever seen Sucker Punch? The opening scene to that has to be my favorite, it's beyond 'love'. Ha.

    Corinne x

    1. I did see Sucker Punch, the opening scene was great! Loved the music and slow motion there.

  8. The Out of Sight scene is so. freaking. hot. It's the biggest "damn it" moment when we realise it was a fantasy. If it were me having that dream I would've cursed my life forever.

    I was SO angry at that psychologist -- and to think people like that exist, uggghhhh. Sometimes I feel like George Calin, some people should just be sent far, far away.

    1. No, the biggest 'damn it' moment is when I realize there is no fucking chance I'll ever find Clooney in my bath tub :D

      Yes, the fact people like that - so unprofessional and stupid - are actually charged with responsibilities is frightening.

  9. This is awesome picks, Sati! I'm so late to this as I was on holiday but I might participate next week so I'll have a trio of Breaking Emotions :D I don't care for Von Triers at all nor do I feel like I'm missing out for not watching any of his films, what a douche bag. I like your choices for LOVE, Capaldi is such a hoot in In The Loop!

    1. Thank you! Capaldi is just amazing as Malcolm Tucker :)

  10. Fuck you for being awesome!

  11. Terrific post! Of all the films on your list, I've only seen Black Swan. That was a great choice.

    1. You should check out In the Loop and Out of Sight!

  12. I don't even know what In The Loop is!

    I have failed as a person.

    1. In the Loop is the next movie you need to rent and watch :P

  13. Awesome picks, and somehow I just knew Black Swan would be here… I really enjoyed all your posts + thanks for new watch ideas!

  14. OH, and the Christmas theme in your design – AWESOME! :P

  15. I can't say I hated Antichrist, but I certainly didn't love it. ;) LOVE the In the Loop and Black Swan mentions. I really need to see The Hunt (should be soon) and Project Nim.

    1. Project Nim and The Hunt will both make you very angry. But they are excellent films.
