Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Against the Crowd blogathon

There's really fun blogathon going on Dell on Movies. It's about letting your readers know what beloved movie you hated and what hated movie you loved.

Here are the rules:

 1. Pick one movie that "everyone" loves (the more iconic, the better). That movie must have a score of at least 80% on rottentomatoes.com. Tell us why you hate it. 

 2. Pick one movie that "everyone" hates (the more notorious, the better). That movie must have a score of less than 30% on rottentomatoes.com. Tell us why you love it. 

3. Include the tomato meter scores of both movies.

Well, I had plenty to choose from for either of the categories. I actually had really good time with Twilight movies and nearly fell asleep during Hunger Games. I couldn't even rewatch Inception, not even Stephen Dillane rescued Zero Dark Thrtyy for me and man was I underwhelmed by 12 Years a Slave. I'm no saying these are bad films, I'm just saying I don't get the praise.

As for the movies I loved, Sleeping Beauty, about which I wrote recently, holds 49% on RT.  I'm pretty sure there are several others like that, but generally my bigger problem is watching the movie people are raving about and thinking 'Seriously? People actually liked this?'.

But I chose two examples that immediately came to mind:

Movie I hated:
Never before in my life had I actually bought coffee in the cinema before. Twice. But that was a necessity as I seriously thought I'm gonna slip into a coma I'll never wake up from because of this movie. Jesus F Christ was that movie boring.

Trees. Water. Sky. Grass. Sean Penn in elevators. Jessica Chastain wandering around. More trees. More sky. Dinosaurs.

Brad Pitt actually rescued the movie from being a complete disaster and played an interesting character and was very convincing. But other than that, this was a torture to sit through. If you paid me money I'd not see it again.

Ron Swanson once said: "I think it's pointless for a human to paint scenes of nature when they could just go outside and stand in it."


Movie I loved:
I was a bit shocked to see the score for this one., Sure it's not the greatest movie, but it's very fun in a campy kind of way and Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman are both really cute in this.

It's also one of the better movies out there about witches and sisterhood - Bullock and Kidman have lovely chemistry together. Not only is the movie entertaining, it has great music, great romance and great story. Plus it has Goran Visnjic and Aidan Quinn and they are very easy on the eyes. What's not to like?


  1. I was close to choosing The Tree of Life myself so I applauf that choice. Haven't seen Practical Magic. I might have to give it a go. Thanks for participating.

    1. Thanks for hosting this one, really cool idea right here. I wonder what the others will choose.

  2. LOL, I like The Tree of Life...but the overwhelming "it has changed my life" response from so many is baffling...

    1. It almost changed mine too...if I did fall asleep and didn't wake up, that is :)

  3. I had the opposite experience with Twilight and The Hunger Games ;d . Too many movies about impossible vampire love out there with slow pace and too little movies about the horrors of dictatorship which could actually make oneself less ignorant about real problems. I wonder, did J. Law. ruin the movie for you?
    And the quote about the Tree of Life is so right and hilarious ;d.

    1. No, no, at the time I watched Hunger Games I didn't mind her, so it was just a shitty movie for me :)

    2. You really are open with your opinion aren't you ;d? It's very nice though, I applaud that :)

    3. Well I have time for about 2 movies per week so when I watch something and it sucks there is no reason for me to say positive things about it.

      The second part was much better, though.

  4. This is a great blogathon. I haven't seen Tree of Life, but I loved your comments on it. When you have to buy coffee in the theater to avoid slipping into a coma ... not good. :-) I'd like to give Practical Magic a try. I liked the novel, along with most of Alice Hoffman's other books.

    1. It was 140 minutes of people walking and shots of trees :)

      I didn't read the book and I'm sure the movies differs from it greatly but as far as witches movies go it's my favorite :)

  5. I am in complete and total agreement with your views on Tree of Life.

    1. YEY, so glad so many people seem to agree, I know a lot rated it 10/10 which is completely puzzling to me.

  6. I haven't seen Tree of Life, but I remember liking Practical Magic the first time I saw it. I should give it another go some time. Great choice!

  7. I've seen neither, but all I can say is Ron Swanson is a motherf--king genius.

    Gorgeous post, Sati! I love your love for Practical Magic, as it's something you've referenced oh...once or twice. I'll have to check it out....

    As for this blogathon, I can't wait to jump in on this one, too.

    1. He is. I live by his code :)

      It's a fun movie, hey maybe your wife can stay awake during this one? It's romantic but it's not boring :)

    2. Yeah, we'll see. She stayed awake for all of Non-Stop, which was non-stop retarded, so who knows with her.

    3. I still need to see this one, it looked so funny :P Maybe she was awake for Liam Neeson ^^

  8. Kudos on Tree of Life. I'd have probably chosen it.

    1. Such a bore. Really I, was struggling so hard to stay awake :/

  9. Tree of Life was terrible! I'm so glad to hear someone hate on it. Good choice!

  10. Oooh this sounds like a great idea and I definitely have a movie in mind for those that people LOVE, it's got 96% on Rotten Tomatoes!

    With Tree of Life, it seems that moviegoers are in your camp, Sati. I don't love it but there are other critically-lauded films I hate more than that one.

    1. 96? Chances are I am the one who didn't like it too, though :)

      I know some people who consider that snoozefest a masterpiece, I don't know all I see is trees :)

  11. This is such an awesome idea for a blogathon! I really liked The Tree of Life but I'm a sucker for beautiful, pretentious stuff like that. Sean Penn was the worst thing about that film, just wandering around and looking at stuff the whole time. Practical Magic really is a lovely film though! I'm surprised it doesn't have a higher score on Rotten Tomatoes!

    1. Penn did my favorite interview where he said he had no idea what was going on in this movie, so I related to him greatly :)

    2. haha I read that too...I had to laugh...a lot. Go, Sean Penn.

  12. The Tree of Life didn't do anything for me either. It was a beautiful movie visually, but I just couldn't get into it.

    1. I see it's fairly disliked in blogging community, great not to be alone on this one :)

  13. Whaaa!?!? Practical MAgic 20% that can't be right!? Phh. I'll try to find mine for this but if I can't find anything else, then Practical Magic would be my choice too and I won't participate just to repeat what you already said: that movie is far better than that number on rotten tomatoes.

    1. RT is insane sometimes, truly. I'm so glad you are a fellow fan!

  14. I'm totally the opposite with The Tree of Life. I saw it during an Oscar movie marathon, and everyone at the end of it was like "WTF?" but I was the only one who was like "I <3 it". But I can understand the hate for it - 'cause when I try to watch it at home, I've fallen asleep. lol

    Haven't seen Practical Magic in a long time but it freaked me out as a kid - so I may never revisit it. :P

    1. It has some pretty creepy CGI effects, especially ghost Goran is freaky :)

  15. I remember watching Practical Magic as a kid. That film used to seriously spook me. It most certainly does not deserve 20% on Rotten Tomatoes!! Interesting choices Sati, what a wonderful idea for a blogathon this is.

    1. Thanks! So glad to see so many people agree, it's such a charming and fun film.

  16. Of course you'd steal Practical Magic away from me, since it's a favorite of ours ;) I can't believe it has such a low score...especially when you think about the "campy" movies coming out these days. Practical Magic is AMAZING.

    And I also hated The Tree of Life. My God. Longest. Moments. Of. Boredom.

    I want to participate in this, but I'll have to think long and hard about my choices!

    1. Haha, it's the best, isn't it? Sandra and Nicole did such a good job there, the story may not be the strongest but it was supposed to be fun and it was, dammit! :)

  17. Oh man, Tree of Life. I hated that. It was such a mess. That opening sequence looked like someone's screen saver on their computer.

    1. Exactly. I cannot believe some people actually like Mallick's style, they should just go for a walk and it would be more eventful than this guy's movies.

  18. I haven't seen Tree of Life despite of all the praises...I guess I have made the right move ;)

    Totally agree on Practical Magic, don't understand why the critics hate it

    1. Tree of Life is so boring, it's seriously more interesting to look outside :)

  19. I share your opinion on The Tree of Life. Why did they even... I mean, do they even... why? Why do they have to bore us? I was honestly offended by that film.

    Never seen Practical Magic, but sounds fun!

    1. It was so pointless. I cannot believe some people actually like this one.

      Practical Magic is so much fun, the protagonists are likable, the music is bitchin 90's tunes and the guys are easy on the eyes. There is nothing better :)

  20. Nice picks! Haha, I love The Tree of Life, but I can't believe Practical Magic is that low! I thought it was a fun movie, and Bullock and Kidman were great together.

    1. Yeah especially with the stuff that gets fresh reviews these days :/
