Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Soundtrack Wednesday - The Theory of Everything, Calvary & The Imitation Game

Track: A Normal Family
Artist: Johann Joahnnsson
Movie: The Theory of Everything

Track: Teresa
Artist: Patrick Cassidy
Movie: Calvary

Track: The Imitation Game
Artist: Alexandre Desplat
 Movie: The Imitation Game


  1. I like Alexandre Desplat's style though somehow I couldn't remember the score for The Imitation Game as I've seen it a while ago. I like the one you have here.

    1. Oh you saw it! Was it good? I think it looks kinda forgettable.

  2. Gosh, the soundtrack for The Theory Of Everything was just so beautiful. Definitely one of my favourites parts of the film. Also, does Desplat ever do anything that isn't short of fabulous? Give the man an Oscar already!

    1. I'm so glad people seem to like it! The music was definitely my favorite thing about the film

  3. Nice choices! Calvary is my fav of the three you shared. I recently discovered the soundtrack for The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby, and it's beautiful, especially "No Fate Awaits Me"

    1. Thanks! I really need to see Eleanor Rigby!

  4. I love Alexandre Desplat's scores. I haven't seen any of these films yet, but these tracks sound beautiful.

    1. I haven't seen TIG and the other two...well the music is the best part of those :)

  5. I feel like I need to see The Theory of Everything for the though the film kind of looks...terrible. I don't know, maybe it's not. The raves about that score though...

    It's funny that you raved the Calvary score and, while I was watching it, I kind of didn't even notice it was there...and then I listened to it afterward because I was like, "I thought the score was supposed to be great" and it is so beautiful, just just melted into the movie so well that I kind of never paid attention to it as a singular aspect, but now that I've heard it again I can feel it's presence in the film itself.

    1. It's not terrible, it's certainly better than Boyhood :)

      You liked the movie, though, right? I hated it so this stood out as one of the few things I didn't loathe :)

  6. Nice picks! I hadn't heard anything from The Imitation Game before, but I love all of these!
