Monday, February 29, 2016

88th Annual Academy Awards

  • I think at that point we should all feel bad for Kate Winslet's husband.

  • Ugh. The entire ceremony was just a repeat of 'OscarsSoWhite, white people so racist" "joke". Chris Rock and all those presenters - why didn't you just give Birth of a Nation BP now? I mean why bother with the next ceremony? We all know it will win, just like 12 Years of Slave. Not because it deserves it, but because of the sure hysterics that would happen if it didn't.
  • And you know at least they could let Idris Elba present something, anything really.
  • The only thing worth watching this year were the few glimpses of Hardy I could easily just see on tumblr
  • Oh and Harley and The Joker together. That was glorious.
  • Let's do the list of actual shame here not the OscarsSoWhite made up issue (it's an Industry problem!):
  • There was no Uggie in In Memoriam.
  • The Academy again threw a lot of awards at a good movie without having the balls to award said movie in BP.
  • Inarittu and Chivo won for shooting a forest. 
  • Alicia Vikander won proving yet again that if you lie with Harvey, you get an Oscar
  • JFC, poor Sylvester Stallone. This is just such a waste of an Oscar. I saw Bridge of Spies in November and I remember nothing of Rylance and that movie.
  • In the biggest boo of all Harrison Ford was not there. To make matters worse at one point they played Indiana Jones theme music and I was all excited that maybe Harrison is there and is gonna show up on the stage and then Joe Biden came in. This is my message to the the academy:

  • Do not ever fucking use Indiana Jones music unless you're gonna follow it with Harrison Ford walking on stage. 
  • Jesus Christ, I should sue.
  • Also I keep seeing people suggest Stallone gets honorary soon. How many times do I have to remind people - HARRISON FORD STILL DOESN'T HAVE A HONORARY OSCAR. Out of all the shit the Academy has done over the years, this one is still the worst.
  • DiCaprio finally won. He spent most of the season trying to spin The Revenant as the movie that shows what terrible things were done to the natives. He used the Oscars to try to spin a new angle - that The Revenant is about the need to save the climate *gasps*.
  • That may actually be close to the truth seeing how the film is about the trees.
  • Inarittu won and hugged Hardy. That was fairly shocking considering all the rumours from the set.
  • Spotlight won. I think this is a subdued movie that had the responsibility to cause fury in people and didn't, therefore it failed. But at least it's not moaning and crawling in the woods, right? 
  • But this - this is really, really cute.

    1. I just want Kate and Leo to get married and have babies.

      That is my only wish.

      I feel like a 12 year old girl, but everyone can suck it because it is my wish and I wish to wish it.

      1. She is married, though...and he keeps chasing 20 year olds

      2. LOL, I know. This awards season just brought out the beauty in their relationship. I loved that aspect of everything.

        Maybe they are best left as friends :-P

      3. They should totally do another movie together, though

      4. I REALLY think that if people want Leo & Kate to be together forever, they should just let them be friends. We know her reps w/ husbands and his taste in um, *women*

      5. I read lately that his recent model fling dumped him and he then partied in London and left with 3 girls... not sure he is ever gonna change but as long as no one gets hurt he should be having fun

    2. Get Kate and Leo to do a comedy but in a Big Lebowski/Step Brothers kind of comedy. I'm happy he won. I'm stoked Brie won. I'm cool with Spotlight winning Best Picture. I didn't see the show except for the last 15 minutes as I'm glad I didn't.

      What the fuck was that Stacey Dash shit about? I think Rob Lowe is now sleeping a lot easier now that someone else made an ass at the Oscars and it's no longer him.

      1. You know what I really couldn't say. I'm not sure who she is or what she did and I don't think I want to find out :)

    3. That Vikander win kind of surprised me. I thought it was going to Winslet. Even Spotlight winning also surprised me, I thought by that point it was going to The Revenant.

      1. I am so glad for Spotlight but so sad about Winslet :/

    4. I think it was a pretty calm Oscar season in a sense that every movie that deserved a nod, got one. But I mean, it was all about Leo anyway! Leo! Leo! He finally did it, and that video of him making a little fun of himself was the so cute, that I'm okay with him winning it for a role I wasn't so thrilled about like some of his others.

      1. Yeah that video was really adorable :) Loved all the questions he had for that lady putting a plaque on his Oscar

    5. I think I had a better time with this then you did. I thought Rock was great as a host (though admittedly, the #OscarsSoWhites jokes got very old) but I was happy with everything else, minus Deakins losing.

      I haven't seen Creed yet, but Sly is so terrible in everything else, it's hard for me to imagine him actually being good. Hardy should've won though.

      Since Leo and Kate won't get married and have beautiful babies, they need to do another movie together, damn it!

      1. They should make a documentary on his yacht or something where they just sit and drink and talk about their friendship people would die, especially on tumblr :D

    6. "Do not ever fucking use Indiana Jones music unless you're gonna follow it with Harrison Ford walking on stage." Preach it girl!! I was so bloody upset when Joe Biden came out, I mean WTF!!

      1. No one was as upset as I was, though :D

    7. Your twitter feed was how I kept up with the Oscars this year. It was way better than watching the Oscars. More drunk tweets please.

      I love Kate and Leo's friendship. It's very sweet. My best friend is male.
      We've known each other for so long, I consider him to be my brother. It's funny how some people react when a man and a woman are platonic best friends.

      I haven't seen Birth of a Nation, so I don't know if it's any good or not, but I really don't want to support Nate Parker. I noticed they took down the rape charge off of his wiki page. His codefendent went to jail for the rape and is also a writer on the film. That bothers me.

      Stallone was robbed. He was so great in Creed. It was probably his best work in years. He should have won for just the "cloud" scene alone.

      1. Oh God was I hammered :)

        Same here! My best friend is male too and we have been friends for over a decade

        Yeah I heard about that rape accusations. I'm sure we won't be hearing much about this next Oscar season if wiki is already being cleaned up

        I agree, it's such a shame he lost!

    8. Dude, the whole #OscarsSoWhite thing was funny for the opening monologue, but it just got dragged out the WHOLE show. It got pretty redundant. And can you imagine if Birth of a Nation turns out to be mediocre? People will FLIP OUT. People will also flip out if it doesn't win BP next year. Ugh. The politics of it all.

      1. Oh it's winning even if it's horrible. Look at Danish Girl - still landed that wanker a nomination and Vikander a win and it sucks so fucking hard

    9. I had an okay time with this year's Oscar show. Spotlight winning BP along with Rylance for Supporting Actor were nice surprises. A few minor gripes I had were how the tackling #OscarsSoWhite controversy became overkill and Brie Larson receiving her Oscar from Eddie Redmayne. Loved Larson's win. Just didn't like how he was the one giving it to her. But hey, at least he didn't give it to J-Law like some of us feared he would.

      1. I just hope this was Redmayne's last time on that stage
