Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Top 5: Male characters I love the most

Because I'm bored and I'm shallow I decided to make a list today. Going through all of my crushes would be impossible so I decided to narrow things down. Today, my lovely readers who I judge only a little bit for reading this website to begin with, we are not going to focus on the actors I love. No, we are going to focus on the characters I love (that also happen to be played by the actors I love).

When I say "love" I mean I would die for these fine men (I would hopefully get to do stuff with them before I died).

*nudge nudge*
*wink wink*

Some of my favorite actors like Ed Harris and Tom Hardy aren't included here because it was practically impossible to find a dreamy man they played. Hardy in Locke? Looks and sounds like heaven. And who does he play? Dude who cheated on his wife and is on his way to the hospital because his mistress is giving birth to his bastard child.

No, thank you.

Then there are characters played by Keanu Reeves in Something's Gotta Give and Hugh Jackman in Kate & Leopold that are just so perfect it's actually worrisome. No way something isn't buried in their garden.

So please, enjoy this crazy and troubling list. I don't go out much so that's probably the only reason why I won't get murdered, seeing what my type is, apparently. Also I am including height mentions in this, because I'm 5' so this is hilarious.

Runner ups: Dan in Begin Again, Leonard Wolf in The Hours and Frank Castle in The Punisher

5. Eddie Alden
played by Hugh Jackman in Someone Like You... (2001)

I've seen this movie so many times. It's actually a common theme across this post, every single thing on this list is something I watched at least 3 times. It's such a sweet movie. Eddie is the protagonist's womanizing colleague from work. But there's a reason for that! You see, Eddie had his heart broken and because of that he became cynical. But when he allows himself to feel again, magical things happen. Awwww!
Height: 6' 2" (1,88 m)
Facial hair? No, and isn't that a shocker
Occupation: Reporter
Cons? None. There is a number of characters that Hugh Jackman played who literally have no weaknesses unless you consider smoking or moderate drinking one
Secret Weapon: That ass

4. Arthur Curry
played by Jason Momoa in Aquaman (2018)

The fuck kind of list would this be without Jason Momoa on it? He actually played a number of beautiful, flawed characters but we all know his goofy, fierce and protective Arthur Curry is just the best of the best.
Height:  6' 4" (1,93 m)
Facial hair? YAAS
Occupation: Superhero
Cons? I would probably drown trying to find him underwater
Secret Weapon: The goddamn hairflip

3. John Wick
played by Keanu Reeves in John Wick series (2014-)

John Wick is a very kind and gentle man. In his private life. Because in his professional life he is an absolute killing machine. What makes the character so beautiful is his heart - he doesn't want to lose the memory of his dead wife and when a puppy he got from her is killed he goes on the most epic killing spree ever. He is protective, loves dogs and wears amazing suits. What's not to love?
Height:  6' 1" (1,86 m)
Facial hair? YAAS
Occupation: Patron Saint of Dogs/Assassin
Cons? The man cannot walk down the stairs or cross the street without getting injured
Secret Weapon: The belt

2. Jim Hopper
played by David Harbour in Stranger Things (2016-)

Much like number 1 and number 3 Hop has been through so much pain and tragedy (Jesus Christ do I have a type, I should just start cruising support groups like Marla Singer), but he is still there, helping Joyce, looking after his town and trying to protect Eleven. No, his methods aren't perfect but he is doing the best he can. His kind heart always gets him to do things of unimaginable courage. And watching him be so adorably clumsy both as a possible love interest for Joyce and an adoptive parent to teenage Eleven in season 3 made me so weak in the knees
Height: 6' 2¾" (1,9 m)
Facial hair? YAAS and surprisingly, the mustache in season 3 may be the best look yet
Occupation: Chief of Police/Daddy/Fashion Icon/The Biggest Stud in Hawkins
Cons? Slight and I mean SLIGHT anger issues and inability to acknowledge biohazard warnings
Secret Weapon: The cutting edge shirt

1. James "Logan" Howlett
played by Hugh Jackman in Logan (2017)

Years go by, seasons change, but number one remains the same. That's it. Perfection. Yes, he is a mess but the beauty of the character is being able to raise above it and even though he cannot find the strength, both mentally and physically, he does the right thing, even if it's the last thing he will do. The beauty of this man cannot even be expressed with words. And no one, ever, looked better than Hugh Jackman does in this movie
Height: 6' 2" (1,88 m)
Facial hair? Glorious, absolutely glorious
Occupation: Limo driver/Caretaker/Badass
Cons? He drinks and he's dying, but come on, we all do in a sense
Secret Weapon: The glasses


  1. <3 great list. Surprised to see 2 Hugh Jackman characters, but definitely not surprised to see Arthur Curry and John Wick on the list :)

    On the top of my head, some of the characters I really like and have stuck with me over time (although not all specifically for their looks) are Dr Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds), Sherlock Holmes (both UK and US versions), Ron Weasley (Harry Potter), Sam Winchester (Supernatural) and Michael (Prison Breaks). So 4 smart guys, one goofball and one sensitive alpha guy. Pretty diverse :))

    1. I could probably fill this list only with Hugh's characters he played so many dreamy ones :)

      RDJ's Sherlock? Oh I love him in that!

    2. I was referring to the two tv show Sherlocks (Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller), but RDJ is cool, too. I also forget to add Thomas Shelby from Peaky Blinders *heart eyes*

    3. Cillian is great on that show. I like Hardy's looks in Peaky Blinders but his character is a psychopath :D

  2. Oh my Logan in the glasses that was art (I mean the whole movie was but the glasses!)

    I always liked Hopper but season 3 Hopper and I'm down the rabbit hole. I love how some people are screaming about what a misogynist he is and I'm just like rewatching all 3 season thinking I want to marry him and those people need dictionaries.

    But all 5 picks are characters who will always have your back and give people total support and are (exceeding necessary violence) actually tend to be kind hearted romantic characters. I think we probably have the same type :) And this post is much appreciated!

    1. That is such a ridiculous complaint since he never looked down on someone because they are women and he compliments Joyce's abilities all the time. My God those people are batshit!

      It was a lot of fun writing this post and finding those gifs 🔥

  3. LOOOVE this list! It's close to perfection this one, and I couldn't agree more. Now, if I did get inspired by this list to make my own, I guess I would have to, or at least, I should pick different characters. I can already think of a couple.
    But like.. a list without John Wick? Hmmmm...'

    PS: Someone Like You.. is so underrated in the romcom genre. Like, can we just, like, he throws the dumpling and I swear my underwear ripped. Something about that scene, ugh. Anyway.. thanks for getting me hot and weird before bed! :D

    1. Thank you! We can share Wick, but Hop belongs to me :D

      YES! It's such a lovely movie and it's so overlooked! And you're welcome, i live to serve :D

  4. It's quite surprising for me to find Jim Hopper here, but, hey after two seasons being the background character, he's finally shining.

    1. He's not a background character....if it wasn't for stupid Game of Thrones, the man would have had Emmy by now

  5. Logan! He's definitely my favorite on the list.

    What a mature title when there were so many possibilities and endless spank bank jokes lol

    1. Right? :D It's art to choose a classy title around here lol

  6. Went 2 Hugh characters, huh. The love is STRONG. Mildly surprised you didn't go with Hardy in Venom. That's one Hardy character that seems to fit the bill.

    1. I don't want the symbiote to suddenly jump out at me :D

  7. this was everything I expected and more!
    I love your passion for these actors, and you do so very thoroughly/professionally, I must say so.

    1. "professionally" is an interesting word to describe this pervy mess :)

  8. Well fuck me, are you trying to kill me with GIFs today?! Because I just had to pick myself off the floor after Keanu <3
    I've never seen Someone Like You! But it sounds adorable and it's going straight on my watch list!

    1. YES! I think you'll like it, it's a very charming movie!

  9. I'm so surprised by your no.1 pick!! =p cool to see Wick there, he is indeed awesome

    1. Is this surprising when it's my #1 movie of all time?:D

    2. hehe, you and your 'boos' crack me up =P its so funny to read, plus the links as well

  10. Nice list!

    I'm pretty surprised Hardy isn't on here, but if we're going by hotness, I can understand why. His voice and look in Locke is perfect. I might've considered Max or Bane though if I did a list.

    Lord have mercy, Eddie. lol I didn't know it could get better for Hugh in the looks department and then there was Logan. <3

    1. This is husband material list so....Bane?:D

  11. John Wick would be my number one. Great list though!

  12. Hopper <3 <3 <3
    He is such a graet character and definitely one of my favorite things about the show.

    1. YES! <3 Such a brilliant character, I cannot imagine the show without him, in a way he is even more important than Eleven

  13. Great choices. Personally, I'm just excited to see Zac Efron nowhere on the list! :P

    1. His characters are too perfect too, especially the one he played in that Nicolas Sparks' adaptation, it was ridiculous :P

  14. hehe its funny how you mentioned Tom Hardy and what type of roles you listed here. If it was the opposite he'd have to be number 1 in Bronson!!! =P

  15. Great picks! A list cannot go wrong when it is bookended by Jackman. I need to watch Logan again, actually. Been too long.

    1. I already saw it 6 times but never had the strength to watch Black and white version, I think it would just be too depressing
