Sunday, November 24, 2019

Visual Parallels: The Cabin in the Woods + Ready or Not

This year, a wonderful horror movie Ready or Not was released. A gory, funny and entertaining tale centered around a bride, Grace (played by lovely Samara Weaving) having to fight off her new family on her wedding night. The plot's combination of creepy rituals, incompetent antagonists and resilient protagonist instantly reminded me of one of the most creative recent horror films, The Cabin in the Woods. Turns out there's actually lots of similar elements in the two - a creepy older person who instantly serves as a sign of something being wrong, a stoner in the group, the moment where the protagonist unknowingly seals her fate by choosing the item that will be used to bring her demise and many others. There's plenty of visual similarities in storytelling here too with creepy artifacts hiding in the frame and sudden gore exploding on the screen. And then there's the ending which while not that similar when it comes to the events - one being happy, another culminating in the end of the world - mirrors one another visually.

(click to enlarge)


  1. Great observations and you could make a strong case that Cabin was a visual influence for them on Ready. For the longest time I thought was Emma Stone on the poster for Ready or Not lol

    1. Most people confuse her with Margot Robbie, funny because they are both from Australia :)

  2. Great parallels. I don't know how you catch these so well!

    1. Thank you! Once I find one the rest usually come in as avalanche :)

  3. Omg.. they look so similar when you put them aside like this. I haven't seen Ready or Not yet.. but I will soon. Cabin in the Woods was strange and visually fascinating.

    1. I hope You'll like it, it’s so much fun!

  4. Oh my god! This is so awesome! You're always so good at tracking the similarities between these movies!

  5. Ohh I love those! Excellent post. I wouldn't have thought of comparing these two films as I watched Ready or Not but it's easy to see the influence now.

    1. Thank you! It was fun to make and rewatch these two!

  6. always in AWE with these posts!!
    I really, really digged cabin in the woods so need to catch up on ready or not ASAP!

    1. I hope you'll like it! One of the most entertaining movies this year!

  7. It literally blows my mind that you're able to spot these parallels. This is amazing!

  8. I haven't seen Cabin in the Woods yet but loved Ready or Not so this is making me really, really want to! Great comparisons but I especially love the facial close-ups tracking their journey.

    1. Oh you should check it out, it's so much fun!

  9. These posts absolutely amaze me. You have such a keen eye for picking up these similarities.

    1. Thank you! I love both of those films so this one was lots of fun to make

  10. Love this! I really enjoyed Ready or Not (need to see it again actually), and I loved seeing it visually compared to Cabin in the Woods. Great work!

    1. Thank you! Ready or Not is one of my fav movies this year

  11. I wouldn't have guessed about Ready or Not and The Cabin in the Woods having similar visuals, but it definitely works side-by-side. They'd be awesome to watch as a double feature. Great post!

    1. Thank you! So glad you liked Ready or Not!

  12. As I watched ready or not the first thing I thought was it reminded me of cabin the the woods...the campy humor, the game aspect, the demonogrophy, the blood and gore, and uneasy feeling I had while watching it.....
