Plot: Modern Family employs an ensemble cast. The show revolves around three families that are interrelated through Jay Pritchett and his children, Claire Dunphy and Mitchell Pritchett. Jay Pritchett (Ed O'Neill), the patriarch, is in a relationship with a younger woman, fiery Gloria (Sofía Vergara), a passionate mother from Colombia, who, with help from Jay, raises her son, incredibly mature for his age Manny (Rico Rodriguez). Claire (Julie Bowen) is a homemaker controlling mom married to goofy Phil (Ty Burrell) a real estate agent and self-professed cool dad; they have three children: Haley (Sarah Hyland), the stereotypical teenager, Alex (Ariel Winter), the smart middle child and Luke ("There is street smart, there is book smart...and there's Luke") (Nolan Gould), the offbeat only son. Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson), a lawyer, and his partner Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) have adopted a Vietnamese baby, Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons).
Structure: Each episodes follows crazy and hilarious events and misunderstandings that befall on the family but in the end they always find a way out with the help from their loved ones.
Verdict: One of the most acclaimed and funniest shows on TV right now.
What makes it so great? The warm and optimistic endings to each of the episodes, funny characters and great cameos including Edward Norton as a musician and has-been.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
The Skin I Live In (La piel que habito)
94/100 (117 min, 2011)
Plot: A brilliant plastic surgeon, haunted by past tragedies, creates a type of synthetic skin that withstands any kind of damage. His guinea pig: a mysterious and volatile woman who holds the key to his obsession.
Director: Pedro Almodóvar
Writers: Pedro Almodóvar (screenplay), Agustín Almodóvar (collaboration), Thierry Jonquet (novel "Tarantula")
Stars: Antonio Banderas, Elena Anaya and Jan Cornet
The Great Redesign
Pedro Almodovar is one of the most distinctive directors working today - all of his movies touch deeply humane subject, are filled with fiery passion, warm colors and many complications between character. "The Skin I Live" is along with "Todo sobre mi madre" and "Carne Tremula" the movie of his I enjoyed the most. Based on shocking novel "Tarantula" Almodovar tells deeply moving story, filled with many twists, turns and mysteries. "The Skin I Live in" is also the best film noir of the year.
From the beginning we are thrown into a strange world occupied by older housekeeper, beautiful woman living in locked room and a driven scientist. With every minute there are more and more pieces of puzzles being revealed to us - the young woman is suicidal, the housekeeper has dangerous son who seemed to have an affair with the scientist's wife and the man himself, Robert Ledgard is determined to create strong, nearly indestructible skin and he is fascinated with the young woman in his captivity, Vera, whom he watches on huge TV screen, secretly desiring her, against his will.
Plot: A brilliant plastic surgeon, haunted by past tragedies, creates a type of synthetic skin that withstands any kind of damage. His guinea pig: a mysterious and volatile woman who holds the key to his obsession.
Director: Pedro Almodóvar
Writers: Pedro Almodóvar (screenplay), Agustín Almodóvar (collaboration), Thierry Jonquet (novel "Tarantula")
Stars: Antonio Banderas, Elena Anaya and Jan Cornet
The Great Redesign
Pedro Almodovar is one of the most distinctive directors working today - all of his movies touch deeply humane subject, are filled with fiery passion, warm colors and many complications between character. "The Skin I Live" is along with "Todo sobre mi madre" and "Carne Tremula" the movie of his I enjoyed the most. Based on shocking novel "Tarantula" Almodovar tells deeply moving story, filled with many twists, turns and mysteries. "The Skin I Live in" is also the best film noir of the year.
From the beginning we are thrown into a strange world occupied by older housekeeper, beautiful woman living in locked room and a driven scientist. With every minute there are more and more pieces of puzzles being revealed to us - the young woman is suicidal, the housekeeper has dangerous son who seemed to have an affair with the scientist's wife and the man himself, Robert Ledgard is determined to create strong, nearly indestructible skin and he is fascinated with the young woman in his captivity, Vera, whom he watches on huge TV screen, secretly desiring her, against his will.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Soundtrack Wednesday - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Song: An Itch
Artist: Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross
Movie: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Artist: Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross
Movie: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Bag of Bones
25/100 (234 min, 2011)
Plot: Novelist Mike Noonan, a recent widower, holes himself up in Maine to unblock his writer's block. Unexplainable things begin to happen to him at the cabin and he's convinced that his dead wife is trying to communicate with him.
Director: Mick Garris
Writers: Stephen King (novel), Matt Venne (screenplay)
Stars: Pierce Brosnan, Melissa George and Annabeth Gish
Bag of Yawns
Good Lord, what a bad movie. What makes matters worse is that it's actually a two parter - TV production, so it contains a lot of prolonged and unnecessary scenes, which would not happen if it was a feature film. I can say that this is, without a doubt, the worst movie based on the novel written by Stephen King from the ones I've seen. I do not know how it holds up as adaptation, since I'm not familiar with the book, but from what I gathered - it does poorly in comparison.
The story is far from being original - of course, the protagonist is a writer. I'm beginning to think that writers, right after dumb college chicks, are the most unfortunate group in horror movies. As every writer who lost his wife - along with inspiration - Mike Noonan looks for consolation at the bottom of whiskey bottle. But he finds nightmares and ghosts instead. It gets even more cliche as we move towards the sweet promise of the ending.
Plot: Novelist Mike Noonan, a recent widower, holes himself up in Maine to unblock his writer's block. Unexplainable things begin to happen to him at the cabin and he's convinced that his dead wife is trying to communicate with him.
Director: Mick Garris
Writers: Stephen King (novel), Matt Venne (screenplay)
Stars: Pierce Brosnan, Melissa George and Annabeth Gish
Bag of Yawns
Good Lord, what a bad movie. What makes matters worse is that it's actually a two parter - TV production, so it contains a lot of prolonged and unnecessary scenes, which would not happen if it was a feature film. I can say that this is, without a doubt, the worst movie based on the novel written by Stephen King from the ones I've seen. I do not know how it holds up as adaptation, since I'm not familiar with the book, but from what I gathered - it does poorly in comparison.
The story is far from being original - of course, the protagonist is a writer. I'm beginning to think that writers, right after dumb college chicks, are the most unfortunate group in horror movies. As every writer who lost his wife - along with inspiration - Mike Noonan looks for consolation at the bottom of whiskey bottle. But he finds nightmares and ghosts instead. It gets even more cliche as we move towards the sweet promise of the ending.
Monday, December 26, 2011
The secrets of "Prometheus"
What happened to Elizabeth Shaw? Who is that in the wheelchair? |
What we know for sure is that Charlize Theron is playing a villain - how hot is that - and Noomi Rapace is the heroine of the story - Elizabeth Shaw, whom we see screaming in the trailer. Michael Fassbender stars as an android, who may or may not start becoming - literally - human in the progress of the story.
Charlize Theron, possibly doing push ups after sleeping during space travel? |
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
52/100 (129 min, 2011)
Plot: Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick Dr. Watson join forces to outwit and bring down their fiercest adversary, Professor Moriarty.
Director: Guy Ritchie
Writers: Michele Mulroney, Kieran Mulroney
Stars: Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law and Jared Harris
Too many shadows, too little whimsy
First "Sherlock Holmes" movie is one of my all time favorites - so wonderfully light, engaging, entertaining, whimsical and funny. It had everything - gorgeous music by Hans Zimmer, lovely ambiance, lots of wit and charm and Golden Globe winning performance by Robert Downey Jr, who brought as much charisma to the character of Sherlock Holmes, that only Johnny Depp's legendary turn as Jack Sparrow can be a match for him. Sadly, the sequel only has one of those things that made original so unique and special - Downey is still delivering his A game, completely becoming his character - brilliant, hedonistic and always one step ahead.
The problem with "A Game of Shadows" is the oldest problem sequels have - the creators of the first movie want to outdo everything in sequel - more, more, more - completely forgetting that the audience loved what happened in original film. In the effect the one problem from "Sherlock Holmes" - overuse of slow motion technique - is becoming unbearable in "A Game of Shadows". The slow motion sequence happen every few minutes, only sporadically justified as the sequence portraying thoughts of Holmes, as he plans how to defeat his opponent. More often than not, instead of looking impressive, it just looks silly.
Plot: Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick Dr. Watson join forces to outwit and bring down their fiercest adversary, Professor Moriarty.
Director: Guy Ritchie
Writers: Michele Mulroney, Kieran Mulroney
Stars: Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law and Jared Harris
Too many shadows, too little whimsy
First "Sherlock Holmes" movie is one of my all time favorites - so wonderfully light, engaging, entertaining, whimsical and funny. It had everything - gorgeous music by Hans Zimmer, lovely ambiance, lots of wit and charm and Golden Globe winning performance by Robert Downey Jr, who brought as much charisma to the character of Sherlock Holmes, that only Johnny Depp's legendary turn as Jack Sparrow can be a match for him. Sadly, the sequel only has one of those things that made original so unique and special - Downey is still delivering his A game, completely becoming his character - brilliant, hedonistic and always one step ahead.
The problem with "A Game of Shadows" is the oldest problem sequels have - the creators of the first movie want to outdo everything in sequel - more, more, more - completely forgetting that the audience loved what happened in original film. In the effect the one problem from "Sherlock Holmes" - overuse of slow motion technique - is becoming unbearable in "A Game of Shadows". The slow motion sequence happen every few minutes, only sporadically justified as the sequence portraying thoughts of Holmes, as he plans how to defeat his opponent. More often than not, instead of looking impressive, it just looks silly.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
We Need to Talk About Kevin
91/100 (112 min, 2011)
Plot: The mother of a teenage boy who went on a high-school killing spree tries to deal with her grief - and feelings of responsibility for her child's actions.
Director: Lynne Ramsay
Writers: Lynne Ramsay (screenplay), Rory Kinnear (screenplay), Lionel Shrivel (novel)
Stars: Tilda Swinton, John C. Reilly and Ezra Miller
There is no point
"We Need to Talk About Kevin" is one of the most harrowing and bleak movies of the year. Think - "Blue Valentine", "The Road" and "Mulholland Drive" - there is very little hope there and mostly just human suffering. The film features another one in the long line of Tilda Swinton's superb performances, it's also highly controversial due to its subject matter - is it possible that a child can be pure evil? Is it really a mother's duty to love it, no matter what?
Although every single synopsis of the movie tells us what happened, we don't actually get to see it until the end of the film - what Kevin did is shown though flashbacks and Eva's memory - his mother, who is left alive and is forced to live with the consequences of what her son did. The movie has very interesting narrative and it looks as if it was heavily inspired by David Lynch's work, especially "Inland Empire" - as with many of his movies, there is a very prominent use of symbolic colors - Eva is constantly surrounded of red, symbolizing her guilt, which is always there with her - there are also many goofy moments, usually delivered by odd choices of music, quick cuts and the sense of overwhelming menace.
Plot: The mother of a teenage boy who went on a high-school killing spree tries to deal with her grief - and feelings of responsibility for her child's actions.
Director: Lynne Ramsay
Writers: Lynne Ramsay (screenplay), Rory Kinnear (screenplay), Lionel Shrivel (novel)
Stars: Tilda Swinton, John C. Reilly and Ezra Miller
There is no point
"We Need to Talk About Kevin" is one of the most harrowing and bleak movies of the year. Think - "Blue Valentine", "The Road" and "Mulholland Drive" - there is very little hope there and mostly just human suffering. The film features another one in the long line of Tilda Swinton's superb performances, it's also highly controversial due to its subject matter - is it possible that a child can be pure evil? Is it really a mother's duty to love it, no matter what?
Although every single synopsis of the movie tells us what happened, we don't actually get to see it until the end of the film - what Kevin did is shown though flashbacks and Eva's memory - his mother, who is left alive and is forced to live with the consequences of what her son did. The movie has very interesting narrative and it looks as if it was heavily inspired by David Lynch's work, especially "Inland Empire" - as with many of his movies, there is a very prominent use of symbolic colors - Eva is constantly surrounded of red, symbolizing her guilt, which is always there with her - there are also many goofy moments, usually delivered by odd choices of music, quick cuts and the sense of overwhelming menace.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
First trailer for Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight Rises"
- Anne Hathaway sounds good, but she looks like she always does, so that's the opposite of good. And her Catwoman suit - from what I saw in the photos - is very underwhelming.
- Bane looks badass.
- I fear one day I will wake up and there will be nothing left because Nolan decided he needs to take his little "let's make things explode" Bay-inspired logic to another level and it leads him to blowing up a small country.
- Really epic music in this one.
- It's kinda funny that Bale appears to be mute. Had he slip in his Batman-voice permamently and they finally saw it was laughable?
- Cotillard and Levitt reduced to single frames. Yeah, that cast isn't exclusively an audiance magnet at all..
- Still - a very good trailer.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
15 movies to celebrate Winter Holidays with.
If you are tired of the same movies being played on TV over and over again on Christmas, here is something for you - my list of new Christmas classics and since there is absolutely no snow outside my window which pisses me off to no end - also a lot of films featuring tons of this white, cold, magical thing.
Winter's Bone
Freezing cold and poverty contrasted with the warmth of main heroine's heart - in the chilling film Jennifer Lawrence in her breakthrough performance plays a girl who desperately tries to find out what happened to her father to keep her family safe. The film also features absolutely magntic performance by John Hawkes.Let me In
In the remake of one of the most famous horror movies of last years set in the midst of snow and darkness, young boy meets a vampire and forms a friendship with her. The relationship is mutually beneficial, but this version has much more darkness when it comes to the character of vampire than the original.Monday, December 19, 2011
Scene of the Week: Winter Holidays Edition - Love Actually
directed by Richard Curtis
To me, you are perfect
The scene: In one of most beautiful and touching confessions of love in the history of cinema Mark (Andrew Lincoln) decides to tell Juliet (Keira Knightley) - his best friend's wife, with whom he secretly been in love with and didn't act on it because of the friendship with her husband - that he loves her. He doesn't use a single word - he holds paper sheets with words in front of her, while "Silent Night" plays on the boom box. After he is done, he smiles and walks away. Juliet catches up to him and kisses him, although they both know she will stay with her husband.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Screaming Sunday: Bram Stoker's Dracula
Sati's movie rating - 86/100
Plot: Closely based on Bram Stoker's classic novel of the same name. A young lawyer Jonathan Harker is assigned to a gloomy village in the mists of eastern Europe. He is captured and imprisoned by the undead vampire Dracula, who travels to London, inspired by a photograph of Harker's betrothed, Mina Murray who he believes is his dead wife, Elisabetta. In Britain, Dracula begins a reign of seduction and terror, draining the life from Mina's closest friend, Lucy Westenra. Lucy's friends gather together to try to drive Dracula away.
The heroes: The group of people including Jonathan, lead by famous vampire hunter - Van Helsing, played by Anthony Hopkins with a lot of humour and charm.
The antagonists: One of the most iconic villains in the history - Dracula, wonderfully played by Gary Oldman, who makes it very difficult at times to hate his character.
What makes it so great? The feel of traditional horror movie and a beautiful story of love that lives forever and conquers death.
Best scene: Lucy possessed.
Plot: Closely based on Bram Stoker's classic novel of the same name. A young lawyer Jonathan Harker is assigned to a gloomy village in the mists of eastern Europe. He is captured and imprisoned by the undead vampire Dracula, who travels to London, inspired by a photograph of Harker's betrothed, Mina Murray who he believes is his dead wife, Elisabetta. In Britain, Dracula begins a reign of seduction and terror, draining the life from Mina's closest friend, Lucy Westenra. Lucy's friends gather together to try to drive Dracula away.
The heroes: The group of people including Jonathan, lead by famous vampire hunter - Van Helsing, played by Anthony Hopkins with a lot of humour and charm.
The antagonists: One of the most iconic villains in the history - Dracula, wonderfully played by Gary Oldman, who makes it very difficult at times to hate his character.
What makes it so great? The feel of traditional horror movie and a beautiful story of love that lives forever and conquers death.
Best scene: Lucy possessed.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Saturday TV Special: Bones
Plot: Brilliant, but socially inept, forensic anthropologist Dr. Temperence Brennan works at the Jeffersonian Institute in Washington DC. After consulting for him on a FBI case, she is approached by cocky yet charming ex-Army Ranger turned Special Agent, Seeley Booth to help the Bureau solve difficult crimes by identifying human remains that are too far gone for standard FBI forensic investigations. Brennan's empirical, literal view of the world causes friction with Booths emotive, instinctive attitude, although with time they form deep sympathy and mutual respect for their methods.Their collaboration proves successful and they form a team that solves crimes - the bones always speak up.
Structure: Every episode deals with new case - the remains are found and we investigate the crime along with Booth and Brennan.
Verdict: One of the most entertaining crime series, with a lot of humour, science and plot twists.
What makes it so great? Brilliant chemistry between Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz that brings Mulder and Scully to mind. There are many individual episodes that are very chilling - in one of them Brennan's team investigates JFK's remains. There is also a larger plot involving serial killer who buries his victims alive that lasts few seasons and pop up in random episodes. The source of humour is mostly the fact that Brennan is completely oblivious to many culture references Booth makes, yet she likes certain things - Wonder Woman for example. There are also hilarious interns that help the couple solve the mysteries - my favorite one is played by Joel Moore, whom you will recognize from "Avatar".
Structure: Every episode deals with new case - the remains are found and we investigate the crime along with Booth and Brennan.
Verdict: One of the most entertaining crime series, with a lot of humour, science and plot twists.
What makes it so great? Brilliant chemistry between Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz that brings Mulder and Scully to mind. There are many individual episodes that are very chilling - in one of them Brennan's team investigates JFK's remains. There is also a larger plot involving serial killer who buries his victims alive that lasts few seasons and pop up in random episodes. The source of humour is mostly the fact that Brennan is completely oblivious to many culture references Booth makes, yet she likes certain things - Wonder Woman for example. There are also hilarious interns that help the couple solve the mysteries - my favorite one is played by Joel Moore, whom you will recognize from "Avatar".
94/100 (133 min)
Plot: The story of Oakland A's general manager Billy Beane's successful attempt to put together a baseball club on a budget by employing computer-generated analysis to draft his players.
Director: Bennett Miller
Writers: Steven Zaillian (screenplay), Aaron Sorkin (screenplay), Stan Chervin (story), Michael Lewis(book "Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game")
Stars: Brad Pitt, Robin Wright and Jonah Hill
When I was going to see this film I was certain that I will see a typical sports movie - you know, lots of cheering, the games and the practice, players being worried and nervous, fans being ecstatic as the team wins, etc. But I didn't know that the writer of the script for the film is none other that Aaron Sorkin, who wrote "The Social Network". The two scripts are incredibly similar, as are both movies - they are based on the true story, they have a protagonist whom the writer and the director don't make into instantly likable character, they are centered around revolutionary ideas and the big pay off to them. "Moneyball" is very slow burning, it focuses on the details and giving the movie a sense of realism, which makes it into a very unusual movie dealing with sports.
Plot: The story of Oakland A's general manager Billy Beane's successful attempt to put together a baseball club on a budget by employing computer-generated analysis to draft his players.
Director: Bennett Miller
Writers: Steven Zaillian (screenplay), Aaron Sorkin (screenplay), Stan Chervin (story), Michael Lewis(book "Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game")
Stars: Brad Pitt, Robin Wright and Jonah Hill
When I was going to see this film I was certain that I will see a typical sports movie - you know, lots of cheering, the games and the practice, players being worried and nervous, fans being ecstatic as the team wins, etc. But I didn't know that the writer of the script for the film is none other that Aaron Sorkin, who wrote "The Social Network". The two scripts are incredibly similar, as are both movies - they are based on the true story, they have a protagonist whom the writer and the director don't make into instantly likable character, they are centered around revolutionary ideas and the big pay off to them. "Moneyball" is very slow burning, it focuses on the details and giving the movie a sense of realism, which makes it into a very unusual movie dealing with sports.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Golden Globe Nominations 2011
Ryan Gosling in "Ides of March" |
The Descendants (2011)
The Help (2011)
Hugo (2011)
The Ides of March (2011)
Moneyball (2011)
War Horse (2011)
Michelle Williams in "My week with Marilyn" |
The Artist (2011)
Bridesmaids (2011)
50/50 (2011)
Midnight in Paris (2011)
My Week with Marilyn (2011)
I had absolutely no idea that "My week with Marilyn" will be considered in this category. Good lord, Williams sings few songs and it's a musical? Too bad "Crazy, Stupid, Love" didn't get in, but I'm happy to see "50/50" and "Midnight in Paris" in the race. "The Artist" is winning considering how eccatic the reviews for it are.
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Drama
George Clooney for The Descendants (2011)
Leonardo DiCaprio for J. Edgar (2011)
Michael Fassbender for Shame (2011)
Ryan Gosling for The Ides of March (2011)
Brad Pitt for Moneyball (2011)
I'm just so happy for Fassy I could die. And Gosling getting nominated for "The Ides of March" instead of "Drive" is a very pleasant surprise, he was excellent there even more so than as a disturbed driver. DiCaprio is from what I gathered nominated because it's DiCaprio. The showdown will probably play out between Pitt and Clooney. Clooney's killing here by the way - he's got noms for movie, director, actor...seeing how he is not winning for movie and directing, I'm betting he will win. But Pitt is the second in the race. Ironically I don't think those performances are even half as good as what Fassbender and Gosling were doing in each of their movies this year.
Michael Fassbender in "Shame" |
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
The Village
81/100 (108 min, 2004)
Plot: The population of a small, isolated countryside village believe that their alliance with the mysterious creatures that inhabit the forest around them is coming to an end.
Director: M. Night Shyamalan
Writer: M. Night Shyamalan
Stars: Bryce Dallas Howard, Sigourney Weaver, William Hurt and Joaquin Phoenix
It's hard to come up with the examples of movies as badly hurt by wrong marketing strategy as "The Village". Advertised as scary horror film, with spooky posters and suspenseful trailers, the movie opened back in 2004 to luck luster reviews. Why? Because everyone expected to be scared, they expected a horror movie. The disappointment and shock must have blinded them, because what we got instead is still a wonderful film. Only it's not a horror - it's a beautiful love story.
The movie is set in the titular village, where a group of people follow a set of rules because of their fear of the creatures that live in the woods that surround them. They have to give the sacrifice of dead animals, they mustn't wear red color or use it anywhere in the village. There are guards on the towers, ready to warn the villagers if the creatures decide to approach. Although the people who live there focus on fear, which as it turns out later on in the movie was the thing that inspire them to settle in the village in the first place, for most of the time they just try to go on. There is a number of families there, on the surface being perfect. But underneath there are hidden desires and shocking secrets.
Plot: The population of a small, isolated countryside village believe that their alliance with the mysterious creatures that inhabit the forest around them is coming to an end.
Director: M. Night Shyamalan
Writer: M. Night Shyamalan
Stars: Bryce Dallas Howard, Sigourney Weaver, William Hurt and Joaquin Phoenix
"The world moves for love.
It kneels before it in awe."
It's hard to come up with the examples of movies as badly hurt by wrong marketing strategy as "The Village". Advertised as scary horror film, with spooky posters and suspenseful trailers, the movie opened back in 2004 to luck luster reviews. Why? Because everyone expected to be scared, they expected a horror movie. The disappointment and shock must have blinded them, because what we got instead is still a wonderful film. Only it's not a horror - it's a beautiful love story.
The movie is set in the titular village, where a group of people follow a set of rules because of their fear of the creatures that live in the woods that surround them. They have to give the sacrifice of dead animals, they mustn't wear red color or use it anywhere in the village. There are guards on the towers, ready to warn the villagers if the creatures decide to approach. Although the people who live there focus on fear, which as it turns out later on in the movie was the thing that inspire them to settle in the village in the first place, for most of the time they just try to go on. There is a number of families there, on the surface being perfect. But underneath there are hidden desires and shocking secrets.
Soundtrack Wednesday - Black Swan
Song: Swan Song (for Nina)
Artist: Clint Mansell
Movie: Black Swan
Artist: Clint Mansell
Movie: Black Swan
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
83/100 (106 min, 2011)
Plot: A thriller centered on the threat posed by a deadly disease and an international team of doctors contracted by the CDC to deal with the outbreak.
Director: Steven Soderbergh
Writer: Scott Z. Burns
Stars: Matt Damon, Kate Winslet and Jude Law
Don't Touch Anyone
Behold, the scariest movie of the year.
Do you remember that retarded little film called "The Happening" that was in the cinemas few years ago? Well, in that film M. Night Shyamalan was trying to scare us...using the wind that spread plant toxins. He didn't figure out, along with the writers, that if you are going to scare people using something as unorthodox as wind, you need to make sure we are familiar with possible dangers of it and we are already scared of it. "Contagion" contains three things everyone fears - the disease, the unknown and death. And it manages to scare us...with a single cough.
Plot: A thriller centered on the threat posed by a deadly disease and an international team of doctors contracted by the CDC to deal with the outbreak.
Director: Steven Soderbergh
Writer: Scott Z. Burns
Stars: Matt Damon, Kate Winslet and Jude Law
Don't Touch Anyone
Behold, the scariest movie of the year.
Do you remember that retarded little film called "The Happening" that was in the cinemas few years ago? Well, in that film M. Night Shyamalan was trying to scare us...using the wind that spread plant toxins. He didn't figure out, along with the writers, that if you are going to scare people using something as unorthodox as wind, you need to make sure we are familiar with possible dangers of it and we are already scared of it. "Contagion" contains three things everyone fears - the disease, the unknown and death. And it manages to scare us...with a single cough.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Scene of the Week: Practical Magic
directed by Griffin Dunne
"Black as night, erase death from our sight"
The scene: After inadvertently killing Gillian's abusive boyfriend Jimny (Goran Visnjic) Gillian (Nicole Kidman) and Sally Owens (Sandra Bullock) drag his corpse to their house to bring him back to the world of the living with the use of magic. They mark a star on his chest...using whipped cream, say the words of the incantation and finally pierce his eyeballs, which suddenly move. After he comes back to life he attacks Gillian, after which the sisters...kill him again.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Screaming Sunday: Jennifer's Body
Sati's movie rating - 66/100
Plot: Nerdy Needy, and arrogant cheerleader Jennifer are best friends since childhood, though they share very little in common. They share even less in common when Jennifer mysteriously gains an appetite for human blood after a disastrous fire at a local bar. As Needy's male classmates are steadily killed off in gruesome attacks, the girl must uncover the truth behind her friend's transformation and find a way to stop the bloodthirsty rampage before it reaches her own boyfriend - Chip.
The heroes: Needy, splendidly cast Amanda Seyfried who is great in the roles of ordinary teenagers. It's when she wanders off to movies like "Chloe" trouble begin.
The antagonists: Sizzling hot Megan Fox as superficial and bloodthirsty succubus, Jennifer.
What makes it so great? Pure campy fun with intentionally ridiculous scenes and silly dialogues, accompanied by lovely cinematography and catchy soundtrack. It's kinda like dumbed down (yes, even more) Grindhouse set in teenagers' world, written by Diablo Cody, the writer who brought us "Juno".
Best scene: Jennifer killing her first victim.
Plot: Nerdy Needy, and arrogant cheerleader Jennifer are best friends since childhood, though they share very little in common. They share even less in common when Jennifer mysteriously gains an appetite for human blood after a disastrous fire at a local bar. As Needy's male classmates are steadily killed off in gruesome attacks, the girl must uncover the truth behind her friend's transformation and find a way to stop the bloodthirsty rampage before it reaches her own boyfriend - Chip.
The heroes: Needy, splendidly cast Amanda Seyfried who is great in the roles of ordinary teenagers. It's when she wanders off to movies like "Chloe" trouble begin.
The antagonists: Sizzling hot Megan Fox as superficial and bloodthirsty succubus, Jennifer.
What makes it so great? Pure campy fun with intentionally ridiculous scenes and silly dialogues, accompanied by lovely cinematography and catchy soundtrack. It's kinda like dumbed down (yes, even more) Grindhouse set in teenagers' world, written by Diablo Cody, the writer who brought us "Juno".
Best scene: Jennifer killing her first victim.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Saturday TV Special: The Thick of It
Plot: The series follows goofy government employees of the Department of Social Affairs in England. They answer to their boss, prime minister's right hand Malcolm Tucker, whom everyone fears. As they try to stay away from troubles, hilarious events unfold that complicate their job and lead to many scandals.
Structure: Episodes usually follow bigger arc, concerning the characters trying to minimalize the backlash from the scandals that usually are a result of hilarious complications. Each episode also has a credit for "the cast" under the writer credits. This is due to some of the dialogue being improvised.
Verdict: This is one of the funniest things...ever.
What makes it so great? The dialogues - absolutely hilarious. Malcolm Tucker's outbursts are some of the funniest and most brilliant lines I've ever heard. The show employs Ian Martin as a "swearing consultant"; one of his roles is to pen the complex and creative insults used in the show. Example? "And I would rain down on you so hard, you would have to be reassembled by fucking air crash investigators. DON'T fucking interrupt me, son, ever. Now get this into the noggin, right. You breathe a word of this, to anyone, you mincing fucking CUNT, and I will tear your fucking skin off, I will wear it to your mother's birthday party, and rub your nuts up and down her leg whilst whistling Bohemian fucking Rhapsody, right?"
Structure: Episodes usually follow bigger arc, concerning the characters trying to minimalize the backlash from the scandals that usually are a result of hilarious complications. Each episode also has a credit for "the cast" under the writer credits. This is due to some of the dialogue being improvised.
Verdict: This is one of the funniest things...ever.
What makes it so great? The dialogues - absolutely hilarious. Malcolm Tucker's outbursts are some of the funniest and most brilliant lines I've ever heard. The show employs Ian Martin as a "swearing consultant"; one of his roles is to pen the complex and creative insults used in the show. Example? "And I would rain down on you so hard, you would have to be reassembled by fucking air crash investigators. DON'T fucking interrupt me, son, ever. Now get this into the noggin, right. You breathe a word of this, to anyone, you mincing fucking CUNT, and I will tear your fucking skin off, I will wear it to your mother's birthday party, and rub your nuts up and down her leg whilst whistling Bohemian fucking Rhapsody, right?"
Friday, December 9, 2011
88/100 (100 min, 2011)
Plot: Inspired by a true story, a comedy centered on a 27-year-old guy who learns of his cancer diagnosis, and his subsequent struggle to beat the disease.
Director: Jonathan Levine
Writer: Will Reiser
Stars: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Seth Rogen and Anna Kendrick
With a Little Help from My Friends
- You could have totally fucked the shit out of that girl.
- No one wants to fuck me. I look like Voldemort.
The title of the movie refers to the chances of survival Adam, the protagonist of the film, has. He is 27 years old, he has a job, a girlfriend and a good friend he hangs out with. And then one day when he is running, he feels pain in his back. He goes to the doctor who informs him he has rare form of cancer.
"50/50" is a remarkable movie. Granted, I don't recall seeing many films about people dealing with cancer, but this is the first time that the movie about such subject matter has so many light moments and actually feels uplifting. Instead of focusing on the darkness of the situation and portraying Adam as victim, he is shown as a regular person that simply got ill. He doesn't break down, he doesn't cry all the time. Of course he is sad, of course he is mad at what happened to him. But life, however short it may turn out to be, goes on.
Plot: Inspired by a true story, a comedy centered on a 27-year-old guy who learns of his cancer diagnosis, and his subsequent struggle to beat the disease.
Director: Jonathan Levine
Writer: Will Reiser
Stars: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Seth Rogen and Anna Kendrick
With a Little Help from My Friends
- You could have totally fucked the shit out of that girl.
- No one wants to fuck me. I look like Voldemort.
The title of the movie refers to the chances of survival Adam, the protagonist of the film, has. He is 27 years old, he has a job, a girlfriend and a good friend he hangs out with. And then one day when he is running, he feels pain in his back. He goes to the doctor who informs him he has rare form of cancer.
"50/50" is a remarkable movie. Granted, I don't recall seeing many films about people dealing with cancer, but this is the first time that the movie about such subject matter has so many light moments and actually feels uplifting. Instead of focusing on the darkness of the situation and portraying Adam as victim, he is shown as a regular person that simply got ill. He doesn't break down, he doesn't cry all the time. Of course he is sad, of course he is mad at what happened to him. But life, however short it may turn out to be, goes on.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
From Hell
73/100 (122 min, 2001)
Plot: In Victorian Era London, a troubled clairvoyant police detective investigates the murders by Jack The Ripper.
Directors: Albert Hughes, Allen Hughes
Writers: Alan Moore (graphic novel), Eddie Campbell (graphic novel)
Stars: Johnny Depp, Heather Graham and Ian Holm
Only the Legend Will Survive
Jack the Ripper is perhaps the most famous murderer in the history. Oddly enough, there aren't many good movies made about him and "From Hell" is an exception for that rule - although Jack Ripper is a supporting character in the film and the movie is quite far from being a masterpiece, it has an unique ambiance and gives the audience inside look behind the crimes of the legendary criminal.
"From Hell" takes its title from the famous letter sent to the police, probably by the Jack Ripper himself, which was contained in the small box along with half of human kidney. The letter was signed "From hell". The movie is an adaptation of Alan Moore's comic book of the same title - it is quite disappointing, though, that so many changes were made to the source material - fortunately, much like "American Psycho", what "From Hell" lacks in substance, makes up for in style, often suggesting things that we don't see on screen with a shot or a line of dialogue.
Plot: In Victorian Era London, a troubled clairvoyant police detective investigates the murders by Jack The Ripper.
Directors: Albert Hughes, Allen Hughes
Writers: Alan Moore (graphic novel), Eddie Campbell (graphic novel)
Stars: Johnny Depp, Heather Graham and Ian Holm
Only the Legend Will Survive
Jack the Ripper is perhaps the most famous murderer in the history. Oddly enough, there aren't many good movies made about him and "From Hell" is an exception for that rule - although Jack Ripper is a supporting character in the film and the movie is quite far from being a masterpiece, it has an unique ambiance and gives the audience inside look behind the crimes of the legendary criminal.
"From Hell" takes its title from the famous letter sent to the police, probably by the Jack Ripper himself, which was contained in the small box along with half of human kidney. The letter was signed "From hell". The movie is an adaptation of Alan Moore's comic book of the same title - it is quite disappointing, though, that so many changes were made to the source material - fortunately, much like "American Psycho", what "From Hell" lacks in substance, makes up for in style, often suggesting things that we don't see on screen with a shot or a line of dialogue.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Soundtrack Wednesday - The Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn, part 1
Song: Bella Reborn (also released as last 3 minutes of "Love Death Birth")
Artist: Carter Burwell
Movie: The Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn, part 1
Artist: Carter Burwell
Movie: The Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn, part 1
NY Times stunning video gallery - Touch of Evil
Here you can find absolutely wonderful video gallery featuring Mia Wasikowska, Kristen Dunst, Jessica Chastain, Glenn Close, Viola Davis, Rooney Mara, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Gary Oldman, Ryan Gosling, Juan Dujardin, Adepero Oduje and Michael Shannon in the roles of villains.
Jessica Chastain as the Fire Starter |
Ryan Gosling as Invisible Man |
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Bad Teacher
71/100 (92 min, 1011)
Plot: A comedy centered around a foul-mouthed, junior high teacher who, after being dumped by her sugar daddy, begins to woo a colleague -- a move that pits her against a well-loved teacher.
Director: Jake Kasdan
Writers: Gene Stupnitsky, Lee Eisenberg
Stars: Cameron Diaz, Jason Segel and Justin Timberlake
Teacher from Hell
"Bad Teacher" is Cameron Diaz's comeback to good form. She has been appearing in truly awful movies for the last few years and now she finally found a good material to work with. Although from what I'm seeing the movie is quite underrated, I consider it to be one of the funniest films of the year - granted, it was not a very good year for comedy, but still, I laughed during "Bad teacher". The movie is a comedy about Elizabeth, quite awful human being, who cares only about finding rich boyfriend and thinks she will achieve that by getting a boob job. How to get the money for it? Using her position as a teacher.
Plot: A comedy centered around a foul-mouthed, junior high teacher who, after being dumped by her sugar daddy, begins to woo a colleague -- a move that pits her against a well-loved teacher.
Director: Jake Kasdan
Writers: Gene Stupnitsky, Lee Eisenberg
Stars: Cameron Diaz, Jason Segel and Justin Timberlake
Teacher from Hell
"Bad Teacher" is Cameron Diaz's comeback to good form. She has been appearing in truly awful movies for the last few years and now she finally found a good material to work with. Although from what I'm seeing the movie is quite underrated, I consider it to be one of the funniest films of the year - granted, it was not a very good year for comedy, but still, I laughed during "Bad teacher". The movie is a comedy about Elizabeth, quite awful human being, who cares only about finding rich boyfriend and thinks she will achieve that by getting a boob job. How to get the money for it? Using her position as a teacher.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Scene of the Week: American Psycho
directed by Mary Harron
"Hey, Paul!"
The scene: In one of my favorite movies, based on my favorite book a scene takes place that is perhaps the most unforgettable moment of the entire film. Patrick Bateman, flawlessly played by Christian Bale, is a narcissist and a psychopath. He can't stand when someone is better than him, especially Paul Allen, who gets reservations at best restaurants and whose business card is better than Bateman's (it even has a watermark!). Bateman, pretending to be someone else (recurring motive in the film and the novel) lures drunk Paul into his apartment. Bateman, who is a music aficionado starts playing Huey Lewis & the News song "Hip to be Square" and starts talking about the band as he goes into the bathroom, puts on a raincoat, grabs the axe and murders Paul yelling "TRY GETTING A RESERVATION AT DORSIA NOW YOU FUCKING STUPID BASTARD!" after which he sits down, with blood on his face and calmly lights up a cigar.