Sunday, April 1, 2012

5 films that fooled me.

It's April Fools, world's most cruel holiday. My mother played a prank on me two times already. Since I have a tradition here of writing special things for days like that one here are five films that I'm not ashamed to admit fooled me completely. I mean I went like this:
It's not only that I did not see those twists coming, it's that even though I probably should see them coming I was completely astonished by things turning out like that in the film and my jaw completely dropped. I'm sure "The 6th sense", "The Others", "Black Swan" and "Shutter Island" would got me too, but I knew the twist before seeing them. Others like "The Usual Suspects" I didn't much like because I did not find the movie to be this exciting. Here we go, spoilers included so watch out:
#5 The Recruit
The scene: The tortures were a part of the training.
#4 The Prestige
The scene: He did have a double after all. We find out Borden has a twin brother, who trough out the film was wearing fake beard and make up.
#3 Les Diaboliques
The scene: The "dead" body of the husband raises from the bath tub. It was all a plot against wife.
#2 Atonement
The scene: We find out that Robbie and Cee never met again and died during war. I still maintain it's the most cruel ending I've seen.
#1 Fight Club
The scene: The conversation in the hotel during which we find out Tyler isn't real.

Which movies fooled you?


  1. Tee hee hee. Fight Club <3 That twist changes you.
    Atonement's ending is cruel... so many tears.
    I guess it's an obvious answer but the Usual Suspects definitely fooled me.

    1. You beat me to the obvious Usual Suspects.

    2. Oh yeah, I always cry in the end of Atonement. Usual Suspects seems to be on all the lists for best twists, rightfully so too.

  2. Ah, Fight Club. Always a good one. The others I avoided looking at because I haven't yet seen them (I know, I know, what's with me and the Prestige?) but I'll definitely have to get on that. Still, great April Fool's list!

    1. Thanks! Oh, you should definetly see The Prestige, I do not like Nolan's movies but this one I loved.

  3. I cried so much when I first saw Atonement... it was just too cruel to be true! There had to be some explanation, some "Haha, got'cha, off course they got married".

    1. First time I saw it I felt as if someone punched me.

  4. I hate April jokes/pranks, it was the worst day for me at school, since I am bit naive and tend to fall for some jokes!
    As for the movies, the Fight Club one was pretty big! Love it!

    1. I am the same way, too naive even on this day :)

  5. Apart from The Recruit, I've seen all of these films, and couldn't complain with any of them really. Though I am not a fan of Atonement (the book is one of my firm favourites), and The Prestige (it has gone down in my esteem over time), they do have 'twist' endings as it were.

    1. Yeah, these are really great twists. The Recruit is really good!

  6. The Prestige is a great pic. BTW, I think this is one of the great April Fool's Prank... ever. Look Here.

    1. Oh wow, Timbaland and NIN let's hope it will never happen:)

  7. Oooh, I remember the Prestige really fooling me! I think I was actually a bit let down by the ending at the time, but I think I've reconciled myself to it now. Another one I need to watch again!
    My friend manage to fool all of us over Facebook and Twitter that he'd broken his leg and was in hospital. He got us good, haha

    1. Oh wow, that's so mean of him! :) I never prank people, I'm not very conviencing.
      The Prestige it's definetly worth a rewatch, such a great film.

  8. I also predicted the twist in "Usual Suspects" and "Shutter Island" very early on in the movie. And yeah, I didn't find "Usual Suspects" exciting too.

    I'm not sure if this is regarded as a twist, but "Shawshank Redemption" really shocked me when I first saw it. Come to think of it, it does fool us, rather much like "The Prestige" and "Fight Club" did. I'll also add "Memento" to the list too then.

    1. Yeah, Shawshank definetly has a very surprising turn of events. Memento is great too, but I kinda figured it out because all of the black and white scenes in the film.

  9. Definitely, The Prestige and Atonement. Another film, that did not exactly fool but better say totally confused me, was The Big Sleep. I'm ashamed to confess that right after watching it I went to read the full synopsis just to understand what the heck happened there.

    Yet again, a great thematic post!

    1. I have never seen this one but I saw Naked Lunch during the weekend and I understood nothing. I usually go to check out imdb and read people's opinions, it's usually helpful.

  10. Awesome post, all of the films you mentioned fooled me as well. A few from me: Proof, Memento, The Game, The Village (just kidding, sigh), Mulholland Dr... and Eastern Promises. Not enough emphasis is paid on how well Eastern Promises deceives people.

    1. Thank you! Yeah I was quite surprised during Eastern Promises, it was a great twist!

  11. Lots of good choices here. Donnie Darko was almost too smart, too weird. I rewatched it several times, but didn’t get the ending until I read an explanation.
    I've been told the directors cut from 2004 is about 20 minutes longer and does seem to help. I do like quirky, but sometimes, is it too quirky?

    1. Donnie Darko is weird indeed and very confusing. Thank God there actually exists explanation.

  12. I have only seen two of these, but The Prestige threw me for a loop. I loved that ending.

    Also, while I saw The Machinist's twist coming, I loved how it was all pieced together. Great movie.

    1. If you like The Machinist you should check Angel Heart, the former was inspired by the latter in certain ways.

  13. I am pretty sure I commented in here. I really do not know what is going on!!!

    1. Blogger's been acting a bit weird recently :(

  14. D'oh think I just runined Les Diaboliques for myself! Must learn to stop looking when someone says spoiler! Fight Club is the greatest! The Others blew me away when I first saw it even though it came out soon after Sixth Sense!

    1. Ah, sorry! But it's still a great film even if you know the twist.

  15. V for Vendetta and yeah..Shutter Island (I felt betrayed in this movie haha)
