Tuesday, September 5, 2017

An announcement

Just a day after what I imagine was my last happy birthday it became clear that the meds are not working on Gustav. He began suffocating again, had hiccups the entire day. The vet told us it will be only more painful for him so couple of hours ago we made the decision and now my beloved friend is sleeping and he is never going to wake up. It's so unfair. He wasn't even 6 years old. He was so smart and sweet and happy. He was always kind to everyone, he never hurt anyone. He was always so happy when I came home from work, he couldn't wait for me to wake up in the mornings and play with him. Every day I gave him a kiss, I held him. This is my life, losing my friend whom I couldn't do more to save a day after my birthday. I keep telling myself that his 5 years and 8 months were happier than longer years of most of dogs out there but it doesn't make what happened less unfair. I feel so angry and alone and most of all heartbroken. I can't write anymore so I'm not sure when there is going to be anything new here. I just can't do this.


  1. I'm so sorry about Gustav. :( Losing a dog is absolutely awful. You take all the time you need. We'll all be here when you return.

  2. I had my dog for about 17-18 years when she did 2 years ago. I'm not over it and I'm still not over the fact that my cat died exactly one year and a day after my dog died.

    I hope Gustav finds a friend in my dog Prissy. She was a black long-haired miniature dachsund who is joined by three cats I inherited 7 years ago from a family friend in Stripe, Smokey, and Pretty Girl. Smokey was the one who passed last year.

    Take all the time you need.

  3. Sorry to hear about Gustav. That's tough. I hope you can come back to us soon, but fully understand this isn't where your head is right now. Feel better, soon!

  4. I am so, so, so sorry about Gustav. I am sure you helped him have a very happy life, but that doesn't change your pain right now. I am very sorry, you have my deepest condolences.

  5. This honestly gave me chills sati. I am so, so sorry. 6 years just isn't fair. Life is fucking cruel.

    I'm sure you have many others but as someone who only has my dog and no one else, I'd be always willing to chat on twitter or whatever. I'd like to think I could at least empathise having lost other pets at similarly young ages.

    Thinking of you, may Gustav rest in peace.

  6. This is devastating.
    I have never commented on your blog before but I have been a regular reader for maybe 3 years now, and loved reading about your beautiful pup.
    Our little friends brings us so much joy, I fully understand your pain and anger.
    He had a happy life with a loving and caring person.
    A million hugs and kisses to you and your Gustav. Take good care of yourself.

  7. I am so very sorry about Gustav. You gave him a wonderful life filled with love and happiness but I know that does not ease the pain right now. Take the time you need, take care of yourself. My deepest condolences to you ((hugs))

  8. I'm so sorry to hear that. My prayers and condolences to you, Sati.

  9. Sorry for your loss. We've had two older dogs pass away in my lifetime, and the house just feels quieter without them. Yours was still young, which is very sad.
    Your fondness for Gustav showed in your blog posts and I enjoyed reading about his antics over the years.

  10. I'm so sorry about Gustav. Having a dog and a cat myself, I know they feel like (and are, in fact) a part of our family. I feel like I knew Gustav, from all the bits about him you included in your posts and social media, and I'm sure most of your followers here feel the same way. We all loved him and will miss him.

    Don't even worry about your blog, we're all here for you and will be again when you return. Take care

  11. I was crushed to hear this, Sati. I know Gustav meant the world to you.

  12. I'm very sorry to hear that. I had a German shepherd some years ago, he was just a baby (only a year and 7 months old) when got mouth cancer. The poor thing could even eat anymore. It was truly heartbreaking. And it was even worse when we decided to end his suffering because there wasn't anything else we could do. I really loved him so i totally get how you are feeling.

    The blog isn't that important, just take care of yourself, we will be waiting for you.

  13. I'm so sorry, sati. if this came as a shock to me, I cannot imagine how you must feel. sending warm thoughts your way.

  14. I am very sorry to hear this. Very terrible news. I absolutely love dogs so this is sad news.

    Pets become part of the family, it is like losing a loved one or a very close friend.
