Monday, October 15, 2012

Scene of the Week - Running Scared

Monsters hide in plain sight
directed by Wayne Kramer

"I said back the fuck up, you sick, twisted, motherfucking cunt!"

The scene: In the most memorable and intense scene of uneven Running Scared Teresa (Vera Farmiga) gets a phone call from Oleg who is her son's friend. He is trapped in the apartment where he was taken to by strange couple. He is calling her from the bathroom and manages to get an address off prescription medication bottle. Teresa drives there and knocks on the door. Edele (Elizabeth Mitchell) opens and is very reluctant to let her in but Teresa threatens to call the police. Edele shows her the bedroom with two sleeping kids, who we know were in the van with Oleg, that she claims are her children. Teresa sees the creepy room with all the toys and drawings. She is also introduced to Edele's husband Dez.

Right before leaving, Teresa realizes that it is strange that there are no photos of children in the house. She walks into creepy room again and pulls out a gun, demanding to know where Oleg is. She finds him in the closet with a plastic bag over his head. She manages to resuscitate him, while the couple makes few unsuccessful attempts to take the gun away from her. Teresa tells Oleg to take the other two kids and wait for her downstairs. She looks into closet and finds costumes, body bags, various knives and instruments and most disturbingly - stack of DVD boxes with names on them rating the couple gave to them. She also notices that the floor is covered with plastic wrap. Dez tells her they have money and diamonds and it's all hers if she walks away. Teresa makes a call to the police saying she lives in the building and she has just heard the shots being fired after which she shoots the couple.

There are two reasons for which this scene is so powerful - firstly, it's very suspenseful. The camera follows Teresa and there is no way of telling what the couple may do to her. Also she is on the verge of leaving, almost taking away the last chance Oleg has for rescue. Secondly, I have seen many horror movies but few of those scared me us much as this scene - to see such evil, evil that actually exists out there.

Previously in the series:


  1. I haven't seen this movie since the theater, but this scene definitely stayed with me. The level of planning that these sick f--ks went to was chilling.

    Obviously, it's been (six!)years, but I remember thinking this flick was quite the ride. I think a couple of people walked out at our showing.

    Well done!

    1. Absolutely, it was so horrifying when she looked into that closet and when Oleg wanted to escape and all the windows were blocked.

      I'm not surprised people walked out, it was certainly...unique picture :)

      Thank you!

  2. Great choice, definitely the best scene in the film, absolutely ridiculous amount of tension, and I love Vera Farmiga in everything.

    A few minutes before this scene there is the one where the kid locks himself in the bathroom, and while the husband and wife are banging at the door there are these really freaky shadows in the background, which for me set the mood perfectly for the scene and how much of a messed up situation the kid had found himself in.

    1. Thank you! I love Vera too, she was the reason why I saw this movie.

      Yep, the shadows were nice touch! The film really played that whole sequence as if it was reimagining of Hansel and Gretel I think 'Gretel' was actually the last name of the couple.

  3. I remember being totally shocked during this scene. Running Scared is a terrific thriller, filled with unique small moments, an awesome cast and a great sense of urgency. A really smart film, totally underrated. But this particular scene was just impossible to shake off. Part of it may have to be the casting Elizabeth Mitchell as one of the monsters. She is, after all, my beloved Juliet from LOST. Juliet would never do such unspeakable things. :-)

    But mainly, it's Vera Farmiga's show all the way. She has appeared in better films and in better roles, but was there a moment in cinematic history where she was so forceful and commanding as she was here? Especially in this scene you have highlighted? I knew then and there she was someone very special.

    1. I really liked the film, though for me it fell apart somewhere near the hockey scene. But it did have a lot of terrific moments.

      I love Mitchell in LOST, she was one of my favorite characters, it was so odd seeing her in such a role here.

      I was very impressed when she pulled out that gun - she was so incredibly bad ass in this moment.

  4. I remembered that scene. I didn't think much of that film but that scene was great. Notably the way Farmiga commanded the moment and shot those bastards.

    1. I agree, that individual scene was much better than the film. Loved Vera here.

  5. This movie is the bomb, and this scene is really powerful and almost iconic. Great inclusion.

    1. Thank you! I really loved that scene, the moment I saw it I knew I need to include it in the series.

  6. I love these Scene of the Week posts. I haven't seen this movie, but the scene looks unforgettable.

    1. Thank you! That scene is the best thing about the film, but it's a pretty cool action flick.

  7. I really liked this movie for the most part but the final twist left a plot hole big enough to drive a mack truck trough it. It kind of ruined the rest of the movie for me.

    1. I agree, I liked the film until the final scenes.

  8. This is a really underrated movie. I love when she says "shots have been fired". I felt like cheering at that moment.

    1. That was a great moment! She really shined in this movie.

  9. Never saw this one, but I'm adding it to my watchlist. Love these screenshots. In my head, I'm doing my best Natalie Portman "Ooh, pretty" impression. :)

    1. It's definetly worth watching, though it kinda falls apart near the end. Thank you! :)

  10. I haven't seen this either but I'm incredibly intrigued, think I'll have to add it to my rental list! :)
