1. Pick one movie “everyone” loves (the more iconic, the better). That movie must have score of 75% or more on rottentomatoes.com. Tell us why you hate it.
2. Pick one movie that “everyone” hates (the more notorious, the better). That movie must have a score of 35% or less on rottentomatoes.com. Tell us why you love it.
3. Include the tomato meter scores of both movies. Use one of the banners in this post, or feel free to create your own (just include all the pertinent details).
4. Let us know what two movies you intend on writing about in one of the following ways: Comment on this or any ACB 2019 post on this site, Tweet me @w_ott3, E-mail me: dellott@yahoo.com.
5. Publish your post on any day from Friday, August 23 through Sunday, August 25, 2019 (tighter schedule this year), and include a link to this announcement. If you’re a podcaster or YouTuber that is interested in participating just talk about your chosen movies during your closest podcast and/or video to those dates and mention that you are taking part in this blogathon. You could also just tweet about it!

I don't need a survey or a chart to know more RT critics are male than female. All I need to know is that Tarantino's latest boring and gross drivel I wrote about here and I have no time or energy to trash again, is 85%. Pathetic. It's probably going to score multiple nominations and Oscars over more worthy movies as Hollywood continues its circle jerk over itself.

Venom is more enjoyable and rewatchable than most MCU flicks, all of them holding fresh RT rating. The critics are afraid to criticize MCU. it's the only explanation as to why Ultron, about which I wrote last year for this blogathon, has fresh rating. Hardy's performance (where the hell is Tom this year, anyways?!) IS the movie and it elevates it above most recently released CBM films. I'd rather watch Hardy dive into that lobster tank than sit through both Batman Begins and Doctor Stranger ever again. And I'd gladly rewatch this for the 4th time, while sitting through Homecoming or Far From Home ever again would be torture (that RT consensus is one of the dumbest one they ever wrote, this didn't need that quipy boy anywhere near it). Take that performance away from this movie and it's abysmal. But with it in it, it's one of the most entertaining CBMs of the last few years.
Yay!!!! More love for Venom! I had a good time with this one. It's not a movie that NEEDS Spider-Man, so I agree, people are being silly. Haven't seen QT's latest just yet. Thanks for doing this again!
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome and thanks for hosting, this is always a lot of fun!
DeleteA friend of mine is a big Quentin fan, and she said Once Upon A Time In Hollywood is her last movie of his to watch. She said it reminded her of the film students in college who thought they were superior because they knew about Classic Hollywood. lol I don't have any interest in seeing it, except maybe award show season.
ReplyDeleteVenom is so underrated. I'll never forget a girl decked out in comic book gear at the theater yelling 'that's how you make a Venom movie!!' at the end. But I gotta say, I love Batman Begins. Next to Batman Returns, Nolan's trilogy will probably never be surpassed for that character.
Yeah it feels so self-indulgent and pretentious and that's on top of being truly gross. Pitt was great, though!
DeleteI almost went for OUATIH but then I remembered I watched Akira last year lol.
ReplyDeleteYES for Venom. I had fun.
Venom is getting so much love today :)
DeleteI haven’t seen Tarantino’s new film but yey for Venom. The movie was awesome, I don’t understand what critics didn’t like about it.
ReplyDeleteRight? You cant just ignore Hardy's performance and judge a film as if it wasnt there
DeleteThe more I think about it, and the more praise I hear from non-critics, I don't like Once Upon a Time in Hollywood that much. The performances were great though...I can't and won't deny that. But Jesus that lack of editing was glaring.
ReplyDeleteYeah, Tarantino's former editor died after Inglourious Basterds and since then the editing in his movies just keeps getting worse and worse
DeleteI haven't seen Tarantino's latest yet so I can't comment but I did like Venom more than I expected to. I'm not much for the whole superhero domination that's happening at the moment in cinemas but I'm a Tom Hardy fan so he made it go down much easier.
ReplyDeleteHardy is always amazing and he clearly had so much fun in this movie!
DeleteI am not sure about either of these and I still have to see both. I like Tarantino but he really has some dark fetishes like loving women's feet. He got too into Selma Hayek's foot in that horrible vampire flick. I am not sure about Venom although I love Tom Hardy but, maybe one day, I will see this movie
ReplyDeleteI quite enjoyed Venom, didn't quite understand the drubbing it received.
ReplyDelete85%, ha what a joke. I can barely remember it apart from Pitt being awesome and the extreme ending, which wasn't just over the top, but also in poor taste given how his last film ended, which was even worse imo, that one literally made me feel a bit queasy. I imagine you feel even stronger about that, I think I remember you writing something about that ending.
ReplyDeleteI linked the post where I wrote about OUAIH. Both this and Joker getting good reviews just put me off critics, I no longer even read reviews. When It 2 embargo lifts I will just open them, search for Bill praise and close the tabs.
DeleteOh, and I'm totally with you on Venom. I didn't realise its score was so low! I think "more enjoyable and rewatchable than most MCU flicks" is right on the money. I need to watch it again, even if its just for the lobster tank scene!!
ReplyDeleteThat scene alone is better and more fun than most of other CBM flicks :)