Since I've recently seen
The Hobbit I found myself missing the first trilogy taking place in the magical Middle-earth. I must have seen every of
The Lord of the Rings movies at least 5 times, including the lovely extended editions. I really love these films - they show the beauty of friendship, courage and love. They are filled with amazing performances and they are extremely well made. As I rewatched the trilogy in the last few days, I finally managed to put together the list of my ten favorite moments:
10. I will take the Ring to Mordor! (The Fellowship of the Ring)

During the council in Rivendell, Frodo sees how everyone is quarrelling over the Ring. Overwhelmed and scared by the effect it has on others, seeing how Sauron is becoming even more powerful when the men, elves and dwarves fight, Frodo stands up and says he will be the one to carry the Ring to Mordor. Then Aragorn tells him "You have my sword", Legolas adds "and my bow" and Gimli proudly says "and my axe". I love how when confronted with Frodo's courage everyone steps up and offers their help to the tiny, innocent Hobbit.
9. I choose a mortal life (The Fellowship of the Ring)

In one of the very first romantic scenes between Aragorn and Arwen they talk about Arwen's promise - she gave Aragorn the Evenstar necklace that symbolizes her love and her giving up her immortal life so she could be with him. Aragorn doesn't want her to forsake her gift of immortality. Arwen responds with one of the most beautiful lines in the whole trilogy - "I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone. I choose a mortal life". She tells Aragorn her heart is his and the two kiss.
8. Aragorn leads the charge (The Two Towers)

The battle of Helm's Deep is the most epic battle I've ever seen, followed only by
Braveheart's battle scenes and the final battle in
The Return of the King. It's full of excitement, suspense and incredible moments. After the wall explodes and the breach is created, Aragorn leads the charge on the enemy - it's a short moment but it's extremely memorable and it's one the most heroic and moving scenes of the whole battle sequence.
7. Aragorn returns (The Two Towers)

At one point of
The Two Towers Aragorn is believed to be dead. He manages to come back to Helm's Deep with the help of Elven magic sent to him by Arwen and the help of his horse Brego. When he shows at Helm's Deep he is greeted by Gimli and Legolas who gives him back the necklace Arwen gave him. Eowyn, who is in love with Aragorn, sees his return and she is overwhelmed with happiness. But the best moment of the scene is when Aragorn triumphantly opens the door to the room King Theoden is in - it is a scene that shows that hope is still there.
6. Arwen's vision (The Return of the King)
During a scene where Arwen is heading for the port where she will get on the ship and leave, she sees a young boy running into the woods. Then she sees him being picked up by the older Aragorn. She sees that the boy is wearing her Evenstar necklace - she realizes that this is the vision of her future. Her father, who told her that only death awaits her if she stays and waits for her beloved Aragorn, didn't tell her that they will get to have a son. Arwen, moved to tears by the vision of Aragorn with their child in his arms, turns around and decides to stay and wait, no matter what.
5. Gandalf comes to the rescue (The Two Towers)

After the whole night of the battle, the enemy's advantage is overwhelming, yet those who are alive still fight. Aragorn remembers that Gandalf said he will be back and he sees him on the hill, with Eomer and the army of Rohirrms. They ride downhill on Saruman's army with Gandalf leading the attack. The image of the army cascading to triumph is simply breathtaking and it's one of the most epic scenes I've ever seen in movie theatre.
4. Gandalf falls (The Fellowship of the Ring)
The demise of Gandalf is one of the two saddest moments of the first installment of trilogy - the other being the death of Boromir. Gandalf, says
Run you fools! before being pulled into the darkness by the demon Balrog. His fall is met with Frodo's excruciating scream and Aragorn's saddened and frightened expression as the fellowship loses the first of the company. The aftermath of the scene is extremely emotional when we see each member of the fellowship crying and being overpowered with grief. Aragorn looks for Frodo who is standing on the edge. When Frodo turns around he has hopeless, broken look on his face.
3. The Tales that Really Matter (The Two Towers)
The Two Towers' culminating moment happens right after Sam saves Frodo from the Nazgul King. He prevents him from putting on the Ring and Frodo, momentarily consumed with rage, takes out his sword and intends to kill Sam. Sam brings him back by telling him he is his Sam, his friend. Frodo falls on the ground, devastated and tired and Sam starts his beautiful monologue during which we see the Ents defeating Saruman and the victory in the battle of Helm's Deep as well as relieved Eowyn hugging Aragorn, who made it through the battle unharmed.
- It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger, they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn't. They kept going. Because they were holding on to something
- What are we holding onto, Sam?
- That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo... and it's worth fighting for.
2. My friends. You bow to no one. (The Return of the King)
I cry pretty much throughout the entire coronation scene - when Gandalf puts the crown on Aragorn's head, when Arwen arrives and the two can finally be together and share wonderful kiss. But then a moment happens that I could no go through without weeping. You could offer me anything under the condition I won't cry - I wouldn't be able to stop the tears. Aragorn and Arwen approach the four brave Hobbits who kneel before their new king. Aragorn, moved by what they did says "My friends. You bow to no one." and kneels before them. Arwen and the entire kingdom follows, all kneeling to the incredible creatures that saved Middle-earth. While it's happening the camera moves closer and closer to stunned Hobbits, stopping at Frodo's astonished expression.
1. For Frodo (The Return of the King)

The most beautiful moment in the whole trilogy happens in its pivotal moments. When Sam is carrying dying Frodo to the mountain to destroy the ring, Aragorn, Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli and the army gather before the gates of Mordor. They plan to attack, so that the eye of Sauron would focus on them, giving Frodo a chance to finish his quest. It's a suicide mission, they are outnumbered and they know they will meet sure death. Sauron's eye fixes on Aragorn and speaks to him. He takes few steps forward. We see Gandalf and Legolas worried if Sauron didn't break him. Then Aragorn turns around, looks at them and with tears in his eyes simply says "For Frodo" and they begin their charge. For me, the character of Aragorn was always at the centre of the trilogy - truly noble, honorable and brave man who you keep rooting for.
Viggo Mortensen's performance was brilliant in all three films but this is one of the moments that was a truly a highlight of his work. I still cannot believe he didn't even get Academy Award nomination for his unforgettable performance.

After reading this list I now want to go off and spend 12 hours or so watching the extended trilogy! Some great picks on this list, although I was slightly surprised not to see the parting between Frodo and the other Hobbits at the end of Return - that scene always hits me so hard.
ReplyDeleteI did that, time well spent :D The extended versions are fantastic even though the Two Towers changed The Tales that really Matter moment and we get the Eowyn hug later in the scene, which I didn't like :)
DeleteThe ending of the Return kinda lost me, it was soooo long.
I do love that trilogy. Way better than the overrated Star Wars.
ReplyDeleteOh, absolutely. I never liked Star Wars.
DeleteGreat list! It would be hard to narrow down my favorite moments of the trilogy. I like #10 since Sean Bean's famous "One does not simply walk into Mordor" line came from it. I think my top two would be Gollum talking to himself by the creek in Two Towers, and Aragorn's badass walk after he jumps off the ship and the ghost army is behind him in Return of The King
ReplyDeleteThank you! Haha, I love that moment - classic! That was a bad ass moment, I also love how he showed the sword to the army the first time, it was so majestic.
DeleteOh MY!! I was just saying minutes ago I really want to do a LOTR marathon and now you put up such a beautiful, beautiful post!! I love how a lot of these have Aragorn in them (well naturally!). Great choices here, I kept nodding my head as I go down the list. I especially love #9, #2, and #1 but really a lot of these are wonderful scenes. Viggo is just brilliant in this trilogy, he should've been nominated at least once!!
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU for this post.
Thank you so much Ruth! Aragorn is the best <3! I really wish he won Best Actor back when The Return of the King swept at the oscars.
DeleteI know, right? Plus he's just BEAUTIFUL!! Can't imagine Stuart Townsend in that role, so that must be the best casting switch ever in the history of film. Again, lovely post, my favorite even amongst your fantastic collection!
DeleteFavorite? Wow, thank you!
DeleteI remember when we saw Fellowship with my mother, she's not really into fantasy films so she didn't like it too much but she kept saying how hot Aragorn was :D
What a gorgeous post! I love all these scenes too. #2 and #9 always get me choked up. :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you! Yeah the kneeling scene gets to everyone. It's too much! ;( + <3
DeleteLove it love it love it!! Hmm...maybe I'll take inspiration from you and do my own favourite lotr scenes post? :D
ReplyDeleteI think one of my favourite scenes is Theoden's Death Charge in RoTK. Just him and all his men screaming 'Deaaaath' as the charge into a hopeless battle really gets me.
Oh my goodness, when Gandalf falls - that was one of the most heartbreaking things ever!! And the whole 'Samwise the Brave' thing makes me cry too :') "Frodo wouldn't have got far without Sam"
AND when Frodo says he's going to Mordor alone but Sam wades out after him and Frodo pulls him out! I love everything :)
Thank you! Oh, I'd love to see your list!
DeleteI love that moment. Eowyn riding with Merry - both of them being so brave - was lovely.
I really love the way friendship is shown in these films, but it's mostly because of Sam, Frodo just kinda wanders around :)
I've been reading the lotr wiki :'( From the appendices after Aragorn died :'(
ReplyDeleteBut Arwen went forth from the House, in the light of her eyes was quenched, and it seemed to her people that she had become cold and grey as nightfall in winter that comes without a star. Then she said farewell to Eldarion, and to her daughters, and to all whom she had loved; and she went out from the city of Minas Tirith and passed away to the land of Lórien, and dwelt there alone under the fading trees until winter came. Galadriel had passed away and Celeborn was also gone, and the land was silent.
There at last when the mallorn-leaves were falling, but spring had not yet come, she laid herself to rest upon Cerin Amroth; and there is her green grave, until the world is changed, and all the days of her life are utterly forgotten by men that come after, and elanor and niphredil bloom no more east of the Sea.
I love that part in the Two Towers where Elrond tells her some of that and she sheds tears. Liv Tyler is really incredible in those films, I truly don't understand why so many LOTR fans dislike her work.
DeleteNo Gollum?? I would need to have the biggest Gollum/Smeagol debate on there somewhere... probably near the top!
ReplyDeleteI did just watch all three of these last week, so I appreciated this a little more. Some nice choices there Sati. I think I would need to have Boromir picking up the Ring from the snow, too, though... Love that moment!
I think he is a great character, but I liked many of scenes much better than the ones with hi,m.
DeleteOh, it's a great moment! Sean Bean was fantastic as Boromir.
I so need to do a LOTR marathon again! Especially after seeing The Hobbit Part 1!! Great picks Sati... but one doesn't simply walk into Mordor :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! One doesn't for sure! :P
DeleteLove it. My absolute favourite scene ever is when Eowyn kills the Nazgul king. "I am no man." FUCK YEAH GIRL POWER!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI also love it when Legolas slides down that oliphant.
Thanks! That's a bad ass moment!
DeleteLegolas has some of the best moves in those movies:D
Well just reading about the kneeling scene is making me teary, I should watch the trilogy through as well one day.
ReplyDeleteI kept crying while making a collage for this - this is really one of those scenes that will make anyone cry.
DeleteGreat post! I don't know how you could have chosen just 10; if I were to choose, I'd have a hard time. All your choices are great, # 1, 2 5 and 6 especially. Now I want to watch the trilogy again!
ReplyDeleteThank you! It was tough but after seeing all 3 in short time I just went with the ones I found most memorable.
DeleteAnd now I want to watch the entire trilogy all over again. Aragorn's return in The Two Towers is definitely one of my all time favourite moments from the entire trilogy. That moment where he opens the doors - the first ever gif I made!
ReplyDeleteGandalf's fall and the scene after - tears. Just tears everywhere. Bawling mess by the time I see Frodo and his one tear. Beautifully heartbreaking scene. Made all the more heartbreaking because of the score.
Awesome post, Sati!
It was amazing - such a triumph. He has an incredible presence - you can clearly see why he is the rightful heir to the throne just by looking at him.
DeleteI was crying the whole time too, you are right about the score - so beautiful!
Thank you!
You had me at Lord of the Rings.... Great selections Sati. I got the misses the extended Edition Blu-ray for Christmas. We already watched the whole thing. So many great scenes that sadly ended up on the cutting room floor. My boy told me if he has a brother he wants to name him Bilbo lol
ReplyDeleteThank you! Haha, Bilbo is a cute name! Extended editions are just terrific - love all of those added scenes.
DeleteMy favourite scene would probably involve a Nazghul... a Nazghul hovering over the 4 hobbits hiding under a tree... or the Nazghul chasing Arwen who was bringing Frodo to Rivendel... but these are all great scenes from a great trilogy!
ReplyDeleteThe tree scene was actually 11 on the list :) The chase with Arwen was fantastic! I love when she says "If you want him - come and get him!"
DeleteGreat post! I forgot how many great scenes are in these films, even if I'm not a massive fan of them. Now I also want to rewatch these. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you! I really love the films, it's my favorite trilogy.
DeleteOne does not simply make a list of only 10 great LOTR moments ;)
ReplyDeleteSome really great moments here, I love anything involving the Witch King, that dude is badass!
Haha, I may do part 2 some time :)
DeleteHe was the one that was flying right? Scary stuff!
Awesome List, Sati! I just made a similar list myself, and was searching for similar posts. I cam across this. I'm very happy to see another fan of the trilogy, who loves it enough to make such a list 10 years later!
ReplyDeleteIt's funny, but a lot of our choices match. You have done a commendable job, and I congratulate you on it. Choosing 10 moments from such an epic trilogy is one of the hardest things.
If you get the time, I would like you to read my list as well. Just looking for some feedback. Thanks!
Thanks! :) It really was hard, there are so many outstanding moments in those films, they have aged very well if they aged at all.
DeleteSome excellent choices, I love this trilogy. I think Arwen's vision is a really emotional one, especially when she lets that one tear fall down her face.