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Where's Ripley with my cocoa? |
I don't know if Aliens constitutes a classic but as much as I love Weaver's work, the film is just ridiculous. First of all Cameron did what he does best - good action film with awful characters. Alien in its core is a horror series and he basically took almost entire horror out, leaving some jump scares and - miraculously - Giger's concepts. The thing which made the whole first film so scary was that there was just one creature which for most of the film couldn't be killed. Cameron did what he always does - he added a lot of stuff just because he could, so now we have whole bunch of Aliens and some of them die seconds after they appear. Second of all - Newt. Traumatized little girl who saw Aliens murdering her entire family, drinks cocoa and she is fine and starts cracking jokes. And finally - Alien Queen using the elevator. What a stupid fucking movie.
Which ten classic movies haven’t you seen yet?
1. Fanny and Alexander 2. Metropolis 3. The Great Dictator 4. Pierrot le Fou 5. Virgin Spring 6.8 1/2 7. Eraserhead 8. M 9. Mean Streets 10. Kubrick's Lolita
Have you ever sneaked into another movie at the cinema?
No, I'm terrible when it comes to sneaking. But there were numerous times when I was watching movie so bad I really wanted to leave the theatre.
Which actor/actress do you think is overrated?
Oh, so many. There are some good actors I think are overrated like Daniel Day Lewis and Meryl Streep but the most recent example is Tom Hardy. I don't know what it is about him but he manages to be bland and repulsive in my eyes at the same time. Bland came first, repulsive is new addition - I saw some kind of featurette for TDKR and the way he talks and his movements just gross me out. I barely remember him in Inception and it seems like this movie was the one that began his baffling fame. I'm not saying he is bad but the threads on imdb like "Hardy vs Fassbender" always make me laugh. From what I've seen in trailers though, he appears to be a good fit for Bane.
From which big director have you never seen any movie (and why)?
Akira Kurosawa. Don't know why.
Which movie do you love, but is generally hated?
A lot, lot movies are hated and I love them. Well, "hated" is a strong word but Anything Else by Woody Allen which a lot of people seem to strongly dislike is actually my favorite of his. I'm not saying it is as good as Stardust Memories or Manhattan but for me it is the most entertaining of his movies. I love when Allen is acting in his films and Jason Biggs surprisingly did a fantastic job playing a younger version of Allen's typical neurotic and I think he is the only actor who succeeded in imitating Allen without irritating the living shit out of me as Larry David and Kenneth Brannagh did. Also the dialogue is just hilarious and the scene where Dobel wrecks the car of the guys who cut in and got his parking space always makes me laugh.
Have you ever been “one of those annoying people” at the cinema?
At Matrix Revolutions I loudly went 'eeewww' when the 'burning eyes' moment happened.
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All the crap I watch, I watch it for you - Idris Elba in Prom Night, Michael Fassbender (I shit you not it's actually him in that pic) in Blood Creek and Jean Dujardin in Mariages! |
I do this all the time. When I have gigantic crush on the actor (or actress) I go through all the films they did and man, there is a lot of shit really hot and really talented actors made. Michael Fassbender - I saw Blood Creek and Jonah Hex and they were so bad, Jean Dujardin starred in whole bunch of forgettable French romantic comedies which I also saw and recently I'm compulsively watching Idris Elba's films - I saw Prom Night and Obsessed and I still have The Reaping and Ghost Rider sequel to watch. And I'm gonna watch them because I'm so messed up. And you know what? It's always worth seeing all this crap, just for eye candy.
Did you ever not watch a specific movie because it had subtitles?
I watch films with subtitles all the time, I sometimes put different language subtitles during film with English lines - it's a fun way to learn some new words in different languages.
Are there any movies in your collection that you have had for more than five years and never watched?
I never saw entire 25th Hour. I have it on video cassette (Yep, I still own VCR). I don't know why I never finished it. Probably because I'm scared something is living in my VCR as I haven't used it since forever.
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Wicker Man with Nic Cage. It's so fucking funny I always watch that when I'm in bad mood.
Do you have any confessions about your movie watching setup at home?
I don't own Blu Ray player or even a stand alone DVD player, I watch my DVDs on computer.
Any other confessions you want to make?
Sometimes I wish there weren't so many fantastic TV series to see because watching them takes so much time and sometimes I don't even have time for movies anymore.
Tom Hardy is considered a good actor...?
ReplyDeleteEven great by some. I really don't get it.
DeleteIf you want to check out Akira Kurosawa, I recommend Ikiru (1952). I think everyone should see that movie (and its not a samurai film)
ReplyDeleteFanny and Alexander I didn't think was one of Bergman's best, I found it dull and overrated, and my parents agree with me. If someone else had directed it, I don't think it would have the acclaim today.
scared something is living in my VCR , ha-ha, good one ( :
I'll add this one to my watchlist!
DeleteI heard so much praise about it, but it's almost 3h long and it's Bergman, which requires a very specific mood to be able to watch this one.
I think Alien is clearly the better film, but Aliens is still a fun action movie, even if it goes against what Scott did in the first one.
ReplyDeleteOh, you must see Metropolis, Virgin Spring, 8 1/2, M, and Mean Streets. Fanny and Alexander and Lolita are quite good as well.
Are you prepared for the Hardy backlash? :)
I really liked Anything Else. It's nowhere near my favorite Allen movie, but I'd consider it underrated.
I had The Wicker Man, but I sold it once I watched it. It's funny, but I don't think I could take it again.
I don't watch many TV series for that reason. But I do want to delve into a bunch of them some day.
It is fun but it's too silly for me to enjoy it.
DeleteI really do, just have so many films to watch it's a bit overwhelming.
Haha, I really don't care about backlash, he is so crazy overrated. Glad you liked AE!
I haven't seen anything by Kurosawa either, Sati, not sure why also. I guess I just haven't got around to 'em.
ReplyDeleteOh, poor Tom. Have you seen him in Rocknrolla? He's actually quite cute in that one, not at all repulsive like Bane.
I also find subtitles fascinating as I grew up watching English films w/ Indonesian subtitles so I'm used to it.
Me nether, though I'm sure we are missing a lot considering how much praise his movies got.
DeleteI will rewatch Rocknrolla tonight, but I think I remember him in it? He was in love with Butler's character?
Yep, that's right, Handsome Bob had a crush w/ One-Two all along. That revelation scene in the car is a hoot! They even slow-danced!! I mean imagine Leonidas and Bane slow dancing, ahahaha... It's crazy to think the then-skinny Hardy could become as massive as Bane, I mean it's like Bane ate Handsome Bob!!
DeleteI've jsut rewatched and it was a hilarious scene! Hardy doesn't look at all like Bane in this one. Love the trio he created with Elba and Butler and Elba's goofy bike with funny hat when they were running away :)
DeleteOoh, I like this blogathon! I'm going to do it when I get home today!
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen any Kurasawa either, I've never gotten around to it. The 'ten classic movies' question is going to be too easy for me though - so many films I haven't seen :(
I still have a VCR too!! I don't have that many tapes left (Mulan is probably the only reason I keep it), but I don't want to get rid of it.
Yep, I haven't seen many classics either. Really don't know why, but I always attempted to catch up with recent films and leave classics if I have time to watch them, it's weird but I'm not super excited about watching those.
DeleteOh, awesome! We are quite retro :)
I didn't like Aliens -- I love the caption with your picture. :-) I've never been a big T.V. fan, but I'm starting to realize there are a lot of terrific series out there these days. We just ordered Seasons 1-4 of The Big Bang Theory from Netflix and watched them all.
ReplyDeleteThanks! Oh Big Bang Theory marathon is always a hilarious thing! Yep, there is plenty of awesome TV series out there, especially by HBO they never fail to deliver great stories.
DeleteTV sucks time away from film and vice versa. I feel your pain!
ReplyDeleteI kinda love Tom Hardy. He comes across great in interviews. Was blown away by him in Bronson. Even though I only caught the last half! I really need to fix that. Have yet to see Warrior. I come down on his side.
Absolutely. I mean I'm only now watching movies and I saw 4 today 3 of which were shit :) TV is at least more predictable - like when the show is good you can expect next episode won't be shit.
DeleteI saw Bronson and Warrior, both fine movies and he was good in it. I just don't think he is as great as many think, but who knows, maybe I'll change my mind after TDKR. He's real cute in Rocknrolla.
I wasn't entirely sold on Tom Hardy until I saw Bronson. He was phenomenal in that film, and I am looking forward to seeing him as Bane.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on Aliens -- to an extent. I still think it's a fun film, but I don't think it's nearly as great as so many make it out to be. Alien is far superior.
So glad you agree on Alien, when people say Aliens is better I just don't know what to do.
DeleteSPIFFY new look, Sati. LOL. Haven't been by in a bit I guess, and it seems so bright and cheerful... :D
ReplyDeleteWicker Man is pretty funny, isnt it? So awful... Kurosawa's awesome, you should give him a shot! :D
Haha, yeah it is very joyful, I love retro and pop art so I decided to bring a bit of that love to the blog :)
DeleteI definetly will and thanks for stopping by!
Haha this is awesome!!
ReplyDeleteWhen you put it like that, Aliens sounds terrible. But I enjoyed it and must not let logic get into my head!
Haven't seen any of those 10 classics either.
NOT TOM HARDYYY!!! I love him! Have you seen Warrior? Probably what got me to like him.
Yeah, it just pisses me off since Alien is one of my favorites. Aliens basically derailed entire series from horror zone and put it in action genre.
DeleteI did, he was good in it, but I didn't love him.
The tone you have in your writing is just fucking priceless. “What a fucking stupid movie” had me rolling.
ReplyDeleteOh, Fanny and Virgin Spring are musts! Do it, to it.
Finish 25th Hour! It’s a masterpiece.
Thank you, compliment about writing from you is quite something!
DeleteI really need to see those, but i need to have good comedy to watch after, Bergman's films really depress me. I will try to finish 25th Hour this weekend and defeat whatever inevitably inhabited my VCR.
Hardy...repulsive? ouch. Pretty harsh. He's not the greatest actor, but...repulsive??? haha
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen any of the "classics" you haven't seen either. don't worry.
Interesting seeing that you despise Aliens. But your choice of Wicker Man made me laugh. Thanks for sharing your choices.
It's just personal taste thing.
DeleteYeah, I noticed a lot of bloggers don't really watch many classic, so I feel a bit better :)
WM is so funny, one of the best horrible films because it never fails to bring in laughter.
It seems like Meryl Streep is getting a lot of hate in this blogathon.And I watch most movies on my computer as well. Will have to watch Anything Else, I love Woody Allen and try to stay away from movies of his that get a ton of shit, but if you dig it I'll give a watch. Also weird observation but Brian Backer who plays Mark in Fast Times at Ridgemont High seems exactly like a high school version of Woody Allen (he played the role at age 26, which is weird. One other thing, what is your profile picture from? It looks like Charlize Theron but I can't really tell.
ReplyDeleteI really like Strep but I think 3 Oscars is kind of a stretch.
DeleteAnything Else is really fun, think people dislike it because it's kinda like modern Annie Hall and it's not too deep, but I thought it was veyr entertaining.
Yep it's Charlize from her guest appearance in TV Series Arrested Development.
I much prefer Alien to Aliens, although I know a lot of people choose Aliens, which always surprises me. Newt felt tagged on and like something to build a mother-daughter relationship. Didn't work for me.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised my the amount of people who have not seen The Great Dicatator. It's my favorite Chaplin movie, check it out if you can.
I think Hardy is an amazing actor. Loved his role in Warrior and Bronson. Don't know if you've seen either, but you will see he isn't bland at all.
Have not seen that Woody Allen movie (but with the amount of movie he has to his name it's no surprise). Don't always like his acting though as I think he isn't very funny.
25th Hour is a movie I remember. I saw it while on a ferry to the UK and remember people walking out of it because of the scene where he talks to himself in the mirror. Maybe you just have to buy it on DVD and say bye to the VCR, you'll sleep better ;)
Have never seen Wicker Man, but since Nic Cage is in it I should check it out :)
Yep, it always surprses me someone can possibly prefer Aliens to Alien too.
DeleteI definetly will see this one, it's so well known I feel weird for not seeing it.
I saw these two, I think he was good but he didn't really impress me. He definetly has potential but I don't think he showed much of it yet.
I really like Allen as an actor so maybe AE worked so well for me because of that :)
I think I would, sometimes it makes some strange noises I'm really scared of that thing :P
I think Wicker Man is the funniest bad movie with Cage, you should totally see it!
Set subtitles in a different language? Interesting idea :)
ReplyDeleteI have to say it's quite fun!
DeleteI've never seen Hardy in an interview, a bit disappointed if he's as bad as you saw.
ReplyDeleteUnderstand if watch a movie because we have a crush on the actor (: I am currently want to see more from Andrew Garfield (there's one confession).
Yep, I remember when TV series all released new season I was pretty busy keeping up with them and movies. I can't not watch them, I'm an addict I suppose.
Garfield? You should totally see Never Let me Go if you haven't seen it yet.
DeleteYep, when new seasons hit I have aboslutely no time for films.
Already seen Never Let Me Go and loved it!
DeleteMe too, it's such a beautiful movie!