Darlin', we shall shit in the woods!
If there is a movie out there that 1. was a flop at the box office 2. didn't get great reviews 3. stars Jennifer Aniston, I'm probably not going to see it. But if there is a movie out there that while happened to be a flop, didn't get greatest reviews and has Lauren Ambrose you bet your ass I'm going to see it. I loved her in Six Feet Under and she is one of my favorite redheads and actresses that still wait for their big break and truly deserve it. She appeared in a number of tiny indie movies that are hard to find, but each time seeing those was worth it because she was in it. Wanderlust is one of such films, that is worth seeing it. Because it's neither really indie and definetly not subtle.
The film follows married couple of New Yorkers - George and Linda (played by Paul Rudd and Aniston) who recently purchased a "micro loft" which is apparently college talk for tiny, narrow shithole of an apartment. After Linda's documentary about penguins with testicular cancer doesn't get picked up by HBO (not surprising since there is no nudity and no "sexy" violence) and George's company goes under, the two find themselves with a necessity to leave big city and seek help from George's douchebag brother. On their way they stay at B&B called Elysium which is also the home of hippies who believe in freedom, nature and free love. The two leave and after spending some time in crazy town that is George's brother house they decide to relocate to Elysium and join the commune.
The film, while it's not even the funniest comedy of the year (That honor goes to The Cabin in the Woods and The Dictator) has some genuinely hilarious moments. The oddballs and quirky residents of Elysium provide us with many laugh that main couple doesn't always deliver. While Rudd is very believable and perfectly likable as always, Aniston is a huge miscast. She can be funny and there is one golden scene where she literally shits under the bush, but she just looks too old to be in this thing. Why not cast someone funnier, hotter and younger, say Elizabeth Banks?
Aniston isn't exactly a star magnet though she is, ironically, part of two reasons why the film was anticipated and now is being watched. First one is, from what I read at least, the fact that she and the creators teased people about her being naked in it. She is not, which apparently was enough for people not to see it. I can see that happening with Charlize Theron or Angelina, but really? Aniston's tits are supposed to be a magnet? Another reason is that finally she got engaged and to Justin Theroux, whom she met during the production of this film. I'm saying finally because at least now she won't be the synonymous for the word "sad". Think about it - you're married to Brad Pitt and he dumps you for Jolie. That's just awful.
Theroux is actually pretty funny here - he plays the leader of the group who immediately starts hitting on Linda. I was relieved he didn't have his usual hairstyle here - receding hairline and what is left - greasy hair - which really makes him look bad. Then we have lovely Ambrose who is perfectly cast as free spirited, nature loving, sweet pregnant girl. We also get to see Alan Alda, who is always hilarious and should appear in more comedies. The supporting cast is very good with the exception of Malin Akerman who ,apparently, after being bland in Watchmen and hilarious in her award baiting attempts in one indie movie I can't even recall title of, finally accepted she has no talent and she is staring as bimbos now.
Make no mistake - this film is yet another in the endless list of crude comedies. I'm not sure what started this? American Pie? Or was it the Farrelly Brothers? Anyways Judd Apatow raised it to new level and now it's almost obligatory that in every single comedy you have 1. weed (check!) 2.gross sex scenes (almost check, as we have gross sex talk here) 3. some sort of jokes connected to shit (check!) 4. penis that belongs to ,I'm going to be nice here, not very attractive guy (check!). Fortunately, I wasn't embarrassed all the time because the jokes didn't work - most of them did work. And while they weren't particularly clever, they made for entertaining comedy.
Wanderlust is a harmless little movie and the idea of the community of people living off the grid always fascinated me. It's kinda like a fantasy land - away from the city with all the dog shit, noise and crowds, surrounded by nature, nice, generally peaceful people, away from stress of modern living, boss you hate and relatives you can't stand. While Aniston is a miscast, Rudd is always reliable as the protagonist you can sympathize with and the supporting cast brings in more than few laughs.

Director: David Wain
Writers: David Wain, Ken Marino
Pretty funny flick right here, Sati. It could have been a little less uneven, but the performances here were enough to hold me over when things started to get a bit shaky by the end. Good review.
ReplyDeleteThank you, glad you liked the film!
DeleteWasn't really interested in this movie, although might want to catch it if I have nothing else to watch, but man.... your photos just made it seem a little more interesting!!!! Your site is looking better by the day. Someone open up new blog awards quick... I wanna vote. Love your new rating system too.
ReplyDeleteThank you! They are fun to make, I decided to go with the comic book style on the blog. Glad you like it!
DeleteI passed on this in theaters, but I might see it because of Paul Rudd and Alan Alda. Speaking of Alda, I just watched Nothing But the Truth, and I loved his, Beckinsale's and Farmiga's performances. They were all terrific!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, your new rating system is genius! :)
You should see this one, Alda plays a guy who did too much acid back in the day :) Great you loved Nothing but the Truth, such a great film!
DeleteThank you!
I enjoyed this one maybe a little more than I should have huh?
ReplyDeleteGreat review matey
There's no such thing like enjoying something too much ^^ Thank you!
DeleteThese kinds of comedies are really hit or miss for me, depending on my mood. This sounds like a movie I could live without, though it might be worth renting for a mindless movie-and-a-bottle-of-wine night. :-)
ReplyDeleteGreat review! I love your hilarious description of the elements of crude comedies.
Those films really go well with liquor:)
DeleteThank you, I watch a lot of comedies to relax after all of those heavy dramas and certain elements in those are in every single one :)
Just saw this one recently. My wife and I laughed out loud several times in this movie, despite both of us agreeing that it was pretty dumb and had many moments that didn't work. Wain's films have a tendency to run long because he can't say no to gags that just don't work.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for Aniston... well, she hasn't been this enjoyable on screen in a long, long time. I don't think she was miscast, but she does need to branch out. She has played this role many, many times. She really does have terrible taste in films. Ugh.
So I guess I liked it a little more than you, but it's really not for everyone. Nice write up!
Thank you! Yeah she keeps doing the same things over and over again and she really doesn't look well, she kinda looked tired in this movie. She was fun in Friends but her movie choices are forgettable most of the time.
DeleteOoooh I like your new rating system!! You are a visual genius girl.
ReplyDeleteWell, it stars Aniston so automatically it's meh, ahah. I cringed when my beloved Gerry Butler was cast in a movie with her and sure enough the movie sucked, The Bounty Hunter had its fun moments (all of 'em involved GB of course) but overall it's just terrible. Anyway, she co-starred with Rudd before I think, and I thought that movie was ok. Ah well, at least that photo of her taking a dump in the woods is funny :)
Thank you, glad you like it!
DeleteAh, yeah, I heard about the movie they did together, never seen it though. I think him and Katherine Heigl make more sense on screen than him and Aniston, The Ugly Truth was actually quite fun.
I enjoyed it, was good harmless fun; and Aniston is always adorable and underrated with her comedic skills.
ReplyDeleteI liked Aniston in Friends but I don't think I liked her in any of her romantic comedies.
DeleteBah. I hated this flick.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog though. Every visit I make it seems you've totally revamped the look and yet its always cool as shit.
I dunno, Wanderlust just... was one long joke "Look how funny these hippies are" that wasn't really funny :(
Ah, maybe I liked it more because of my fondness for hippies and Lauren :) But from the comedies I've seen recently...this one wasn't as bad as some other things that are out there.
DeleteThank you, I'm working real hard on the blog if I worked half as hard on everything else and had as much fun doing it my life would be perfect :)