With all of that I must note some choices weren't exactly in accordance with books. Through no fault (Martin's) of anyone. The way he described the Mountain made it pretty damn impossible to find an actor who would look exactly like him. Also Martin goes out of his way in reminding us how ugly Tyrion and Brienne are, while in the show Peter Dinklage and Gwendoline Christe are pretty damn far from it.
As we travel with characters we will meet the new players in Game of Thrones. Some of them come from the house that is going to be properly introduced in season 4, some are mentioned by others, some have their own chapters and some are always with us in spirit although they are long dead. Here are my dream casting choices for 5 (6) characters:

She was baseborn and unwed, and had home two bastard
daughters for the prince, but she did not fear to look even the queen in
the eye.
Ellaria Sand is the lover of Oberyn Martell, and the mother of the four youngest Sand Snakes, Oberyn's bastard daughters. Ellaria herself is the bastard daughter which makes Oberyn parading her around quite scandalous, especially among high born ladies. Ellaria is referred to as worshiping a Lysene love goddess, and was described as being sexually adventurous and potentially bisexual.
Although not accounted as a beautiful woman, she is regarded as attractive and eye-catching, with an exotic, sensuous flair. She has black hair. I think Sarah Shahi is the perfect choice for Ellaria as she is lovely and very sexy. She wouldn't have a problem with some of the spicy scenes (I'm sure HBO will not pass on that opportunity) as she did plenty of those in The L Word.

If you die before you say her name, ser, I will hunt you through all seven hells.
Prince Oberyn Martell, known as the Red Viper, is Doran Martell's hot-headed younger brother. He has eight bastard daughters, called the Sand Snakes, the four youngest of which by his current paramour Ellaria Sand. Some rumors hold that he is bisexual. Oberyn is a forceful, lusty man with a quick wit and barbed tongue. He had traveled the world, and even founded his own mercenary company. He had a very close relationship with his sister Elia and they were inseparable as children. Elia was raped and murdered by The Mountain and as Oberyn comes to King's Landing for Joffrey and Margaery's wedding he demands to have The Mountain brought to him so he could have his vengeance.
Oberyn has a lined face with thin eyebrows, black "viper" eyes and a sharp nose. His hair is lustrous and black with only a few silver streaks and recedes from his brow into a widow's peak. Since Oberyn is most likely the most incredible character to appear in season 4 and he appears in what will probably be one of the show's most amazing scenes, HBO could make Bardem an offer. He would be in 4-5 episodes and I think he would be excellent in the part.

You never knew Lyanna as I did, Robert. You saw her beauty, but not the iron underneath.
Though Lyanna is long dead before the events of Game of Thrones, her spirit is always with us. The Blue Rose of Winterfell was the younger sister of Lord Eddard Stark and was betrothed to Ned's childhood friend Robert Baratheon. Her abduction by Rhaegar Targaryen was the event that ultimately triggered Robert's Rebellion and led to the downfall of the Targaryen Dynasty.
The details about her relationship to Rheagar are still unknown but I believe their love (?) is what holds the key to one of the series's most important (the most important?) mysteries. If you follow Martin's words carefully you know that her last gift to the world may just be the answer to the question "who wins in the end?"
Lyanna is described by all who knew her as beautiful, with the dark hair, grey eyes and long face that characterize the Starks. Robert never stopped loving her, which throws a gigantic shade over his marriage to Cersei and dooms it. If the prequel ever gets made, Eva Green is a fan favorite to play Lyanna. The Internet is riddled with artwork depicting her as the woman who ended the Targaryens with her love and the revenge of those who loved her. Green has experience with costume movies, having starred in Golden Compass and Kingdom of Heaven. She also wouldn't be opposed to doing TV as quite recently she starred in the show Merlin.

A foolish willful girl playing the games of Thrones. That was before, when I was just a girl, she told herself. I am a
woman now, my father’s daughter. I have learned that lesson.
Arianne Martell is the eldest daughter of the ruling Prince of Dorne, Prince Doran of House Martell. According to Dornish Customs, she is the future ruling Princess of Dorne. She is beautiful, with olive skin, large dark eyes, and long black hair that falls in ringlets to the middle of her back. She is short, standing at five foot two. Arianne is calculating, adventurous and fierce-tempered. When she sees something she desires, she strives to obtain it at all costs. Despite her beauty and perhaps because of her high station, Arianne is still unmarried at the age of 23.
Arianne who is one of the hottest women in Westeros has to be played by a great beauty. While I adore Natalie Dormer HBO dropped a ball there as Maergery is breathtakingly beautiful and Dormer well, while attractive, isn't exactly breathtaking. So they need to get it right this time. Nina Dobrev is stunning and very talented - she did wonders with Perks of being a Wallflower and I think her talent and looks deserve something much better than The Vampire Dairies, though I imagine her Arianne to be much like Katherine from that show.

(x) |
I am the storm, my lord. The first storm, and the last.
Euron Greyjoy is a younger brother of Balon (Theon's douche of a father) and is known as "Crow's Eye". He is captain of the Silence, a ship crewed entirely by mutes whose tongues Euron ripped out.
Euron is pale (Armitage!) and handsome (Armitage!) with black hair (Armitage!) and a dark beard. He wears a patch over his left eye, and is nicknamed "Crow's Eye". According to his nephew, Theon, the patch conceals a "black eye shining with malice". His right eye is as blue as summer sky (Armitage!) and is regarded as his "smiling eye". In addition, his lips are a pale blue, due to his propensity to drink shade of the evening.
He is a wildly unpredictable man, known for his delight in playing vicious mind games and waging psychological warfare on anyone around him. He is hated by all his brothers for this reason. He is a skilled warrior and manipulator, and is cunning, shrewd and ruthless.
(x) |
"Come!" he roared back. "Come kill me, if you can".
Victarion Greyjoy is a brother of Balon Greyjoy and Lord Captain of the Iron Fleet, his flagship is Iron Victory. He is a capable commander and a fierce warrior in battle, but has a calm demeanor outside of it, thinking of enemies with great respect. He is a religious man and wears full plate armor while sailing because he has no fear of drowning. Victarion is a large and powerful man, wearing plate armor in combat and wielding a cruel axe. He wears a helm in the shape of a kraken (the sigil of Greyjoys).
As you can see we have a great deal more of similarities to Euron but seeing how Victarion is POV character in the books I feature him here, especially after discovering that kick ass depiction of Amitage as him on tumblr. He is actually fan favorite for both, with Mads Mikkelsen being close second, for these two characters too. Seeing how one is insane and the other is difficult to like, HBO will do wisely to hire such charismatic actors for the part.
(character drawings and parts of descriptions - http://awoiaf.westeros.org/)
What do you think of these choices?
Who would you like to see on Game of Thrones?
For me, the actor I want to see in Game of Thrones is Toby Jones as Reznak mo Reznak. After reading the description of the character again recently I feel that Toby Jones would be a perfect fit
ReplyDeleteOooh, that's a great choice! Jones is a terrific actor.
DeleteMargaret, I just quickly skimmed this post because I'm in the midst of the series and deathly afraid of spoilers. :-P So I just wanna say that I am completely behind including Javier Bardem in the HBO series.
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree that Peter Dinklage and the actress portraying Brienne are far from ugly, while Martin made these characters seem as hard on the eyes as it's possible to be. That said, while Dinklage looks nothing like Tyrion (except for his stature), and the character is actually quite different in many ways, he just *became* the part. No one else can fill his shoes.
I just got to a gratuitously violent and awesome part of A Storm of Swords. I thought I didn't like brutally violent scenes in novels, but I have just been converted. "A dragon is no slave." Hah! Classic.
It's kinda annoying as I read the books and everytime Tyrion or Brienne are mentioned Martin has this obsessive need to point out how ugly they are. Also as if that was not enough each of them will have scars by the time this whole thing is over.
DeleteOh yeah, Dinklage is the man. I find him a lot like in the books, but Dinklage add a bit more kindness to Tyrion, probably because of his gestures and eyes and that is something that would be hard to capture in written word.
OOOh, DRACARYS! Can't wait to see that scene in the show.
You should be a casting director. Hell, if I was a filmmaker. I'd hire you on the spot.
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU! :)
DeleteVampire Diaries isn't half-bad actually.
ReplyDeleteI would love to see Richard Armitage in GoT. As I said, that show seriously lacks "hot" hot men.
I think Vampire Dairies is pretty cool other than for this Stefan guy, but I haven't seen it in ages and Nina just seems to be better than CW show.
DeleteYep, we only have Nikolaj.
Oh my word... I'd watch Game of Thrones in a heartbeat if Richard played Euron or Victarion... both characters suit him to a tee! "Euron is pale (Armitage!) and handsome (Armitage!) with black hair (Armitage!) and a dark beard." Oh man, that's exactly what Guy of Gisborne looks like, and I'd imagine the costumes of mostly black would look just as spectacular on him. I'm partial to him playing Victarion as we'd see BOTH of those piercing blue eyes, but then again, he's look even more smoldering with an eye patch, oh la la! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that photo of Crow's Eye... great find there from Tumblr!
ReplyDeleteBtw, I LOVE your choice of Eva Green, she's such a sublime beauty. I'm surprised they haven't cast her already. Plus she looks great in period costumes.
He fits both so well it's crazy! I was hoping he would be in bigger demand after The Hobbit but I don't here any rumors about him being cast in anything :( GoT is so popular he would definitely got even more attention.
DeleteHer character would be in prequel series if it ever gets made, but she has such great looks and talent she could play a number of characters. Though I only see her as Lyanna whenever she is mentioned in the books.
Yeah, Kinda expected to make Armitage to top the list. :) though I have to agree he does look like a good choice to play either of the Greyjoys.
ReplyDeleteSarah Shahi is definitely a good choice though I think it will depend on how much of a role she has in 4th and 5th to demand a fairly known face. I know there is a lot of Dorne ahead. Is she there much?
As much as I like Bardem and Green is their respective roles, I don't think it will be possible. I think there will be too high brow for this, especially Bardem.
I have only read a little about Arianne Martell but from what I know, I have to say that out of the five choices above, she is the best casting choice. Well done, Margaret !! :)
She is usually in the background but i think she will have important things to do in Winds of Winter.
DeleteI'm not so sure. Bardem was already rumored for Dark Tower TV series and GoT is the biggest series there is. Plus he would only be a guest star in one season. Green's career is in such shape (not counting Sin City 2) she would definitely jump on board.
Thank you! I'd love to see Nina as Arianne.
LOVE Eva Green as Lyanna. I think it would be cool if HBO did a separate mini series about the Targaryen rule/Robert's Rebellion. They barely mentioned it in Game of Thrones.
ReplyDeleteOh absolutely. They could do it if GRRM pace with writing slows down even more and do bigger hiatus for GoT in the meantime airing the prequel series.
ReplyDeleteplease, please, pretty please! :P
Delete*needs to read the god damn books already*
ReplyDeleteI would love Nina in GoT. I think she looks the part in terms of being extremely pretty! Have no idea about the characters though....
*needs to read the god damn books already*
Hope you'll like them, the last 2 are a bit different than first 3 since we are getting all of those new characters. I'm sure in TV show they will cut as much as they can so we could follow the lead characters as TV audience bonded with them.
DeleteI must disagree with you about Natalie, Sati. I loved her in The Tudors and I love her here. She's a good actress, and very easy on the eyes. I know she isn't breath taking as such, but she definitely grows on you.
ReplyDeleteJavier Bardem would indeed be a catch, but he may be a bit out of their budget. :-P
I love this list. The very concept of it is praiseworthy. Keep it up!
I think she is a great actress and she is very pretty, but as for Margaery looks...well, they could do better though if you don't know the books she is doing amazingly well.
DeleteThanks so much! :)
Those are good choices. I have to say, though, that I am holding out hope that the showrunners will drop the entire set of Dornish storylines in order to help the show not get so bloated that it dies under the weight of all the different characters. Having Dorne in the books finally gave Martin an excuse to write about a region he had been mentioning, but it hasn't really impacted anything so far in regards to who might end up ruling. (Yes, there's the bit with Cersei's daughter, but as a girl with brothers she's only fit for being a pawn for an arranged marriage, not for ruling - according to the customs of Westeros.)
ReplyDeleteWell....we are losing several big characters this season and Dornish storylines are entertaining. Customs of Westeros aside - I think it's petty much given Tommen will die. I hope they will feature Marcella and Arianne, especially given how Dany's story is so abysmal in book 4 and 5.