I didn't think they will do it. I didn't think they'll mange that. But yes, they managed to show tits in the
season premiere of season 3. Not just tits - tits in a brothel. And
Bronn almost taking off this chick's panties with his teeth.
HBO, you are nothing if not persistent.
But joking aside - the season premiere was as always strong but in the final toll it will be overshadowed by upcoming episodes. What it always does is set up the events for the rest of the season - while the next episode will do so too, as it will feature some of the major characters there was no time for in this episode, it will move things along more quickly.

Within the first few minutes we got our very first season 3 meme - "You had one job,
Sam". We pick up where we left off with
Sam seeing hordes of White Walkers. I see a lot of nonsensical complaints where people whine about the lack of battle. That chapter in the book was just snow, wind, howling and internal monologues of
Sam, being scared shitless. I really liked the opening in the series - chilling, well made and they even gave
Ghost something to do.
One of the most awesome things about the main titles of the show is how they modify it as the show progresses. It was awesome to see new things in the intro but the most brilliant addition was Winterfell in flames. If Seven Hells were on Earth in Westeros, five of them would be in Winterfell this season. Except for two, being in other places which will bear witness to atrocities to come in other storylines.

Let's move beyond the wall -
Jon "I know nothing" Snow is being taken to wildings camp by
Ygritte. With him we meet
The King Beyond the Wall and see our first giant. It was quite faithful adaptation of the chapter in the book, albeit shortened a lot and I do wonder if we will see
Val in the series. I enjoyed the scene and my favorite thing about it were
Snow's lines.
We get to see
Davos who is alive after Blackwater. He is taken to
Stannis, who sits there, looking constipated as usual (in all fairness that is the only way to play that character) with
Melisandre probably telling him it's the Lord of Light inside him.
Melisandre had some awesome lines here and I just hope we will get to see leeches scene soon. Anyways,
Davos attempts to stab her with a knife and
Stannis has him locked in a dungeon.

In King's Landing shit is going down. We get to see
Sansa and there is something different about her. For some reason she appears to have hope. That reason may be
Littlefinger's promise to take her home. They have conversation about that and he tells her that when the time comes she needs to be ready in a moment's notice. As they talk
Shea has chat with
Ros in a very nice little scene in which we see that
Shae really cares about
But my favorite thing here was that
Sansa FINALLY mentioned
Arya. Last season there was not one word - her little sister is gone and not once did we see
Sansa upset about it. Both her and
Arya were all like "
Robb this,
Robb that, giant direwolf blah blah" never mentioning their other siblings. I'm hoping that line means the writers know they have to remind us at every step of the way this season just how much family means to

One of the most charming scenes this episode was seeing
Margaery Tyrell (played to perfection by
Natalie Dormer) showing
the Lannisters how to rule and keep your head. Hell, more than that - have people throw flowers at you.
Margaery knows that the key to ruling is to care about those you rule over. She visits orphanage, not caring about her safety or her expensive dress as she walks through what appeared to be shit and piss.
Joffrey sees all of that in his carriage and the look of bafflement on his face at the idea of doing charity work was the episode's most hilarious moment.
But clearly even an idiot like
Joffrey sees that
Margaery's approach is much better than the one he was trying out. As they dine with
Loras and
Joffrey is uncharacteristically kind to
Margaery, being greatly charmed with her. We also find out
the Tyrells have been bringing in food to King's Landing, greatly aiding the people. All of that doesn't sit well with
Cersei who sense she is losing influence over her son (he even says she is getting older and the look on her face is priceless). She is hostile towards
Tyrells and even remarks how
Margaery's dress is much too skim for the climate (nice nod to the books where
Cersei often says how
Margarery is dressed like a harlot).

Tyrion continues his lonely path of rejection as he is visited by increasingly paranoid
Cersei. No matter how many spies she has she feels insecure and she wants to know what her brother wants to tell their father. And as we find out later on what he wants is to demand his birthright - Casterly Rock. What follows is a great scene showing that
Tywin may not be such a nice guy after all. I know a lot of people who are rooting for him after Blackwater episode, well here comes the turn of the tide.
That scene was one of the best written interactions in the book and we got a great deal of
Tywin's hurtful remarks towards his son here. Come to think of it,
Tywin Lannister really should team up with doctor
Arden from
American Horror Story: Asylum - they could hunt and kill WHORES together. I really liked that last line
Tywin thrown at
Tyrion, that he will "hung the next whore he finds in his bed" and
Tyrion stopped for a moment to listen closely but as he understood what his father is about to say he kept on walking, having heard that so many times.
Dinklage's acting was fantastic in this scene- when
Tyrion is hurt it is particularly shocking, as there is only one person out there he fears - his father.
Dance is excellent as
Tywin and I'm hoping this is just the first of the many scenes like this to come. But what got me most excited was seeing
Tywin write a letter. Later on in the season you'll understand.
In King in the North storyline,
Robb Stark ventures to Harrenhal with his armies. He sees hundreds of men dead, killed by Lannister men - at least I think that is the case as this wasn't in the books and other than for gore and
Robb looking honorably sad I did not got what the hell happened there other than everyone blamed Cat for it. Two important things here - 1) he orders his mother to be locked up because she freed
Jaime 2)
Talisa. Shit, she is the queen now and her outfit is worse than
Robb's foolishness in marrying her is so astonishing the only time
Tyrion is speechless in he books is when he hears of it. Well, they are doing pretty good job portraying
Robb as mentally incapacitated in the series.

But where the awesome was at this episode was in
Daenerys scenes. We got to see the extended scene of what was the most prominently featured shot in the trailers -
Drogon emerging from water and flying over Balerion. He is joined by two other dragons and they fish - they are now big enough to feed themselves.
Khaleesi looks at them overjoyed but she says to
Jorah they are not growing fast enough. They are on their way to the slave city of Astapor to buy an army. An army that
Daenerys desperately needs in order to take back Seven Kingdoms. The first time we saw Astapor was truly breathtaking.
Daenerys and
Jorah meet with the slave owner there who presents her Unsullied - eunuchs, trained to fight everyday since they were little, completely obedient and fearless. I was very grateful the puppy story didn't find its way to the series. I was not grateful about the nipple thing being included. Still, comparing to the description in the books it felt relatively fast in the show. We also got to hear several lines in High Valyrian here - which is a good point to translate the title of the episode. Last finale was entitled Valar Morghulis (all men must die) - it's a greeting and the traditional response is Valar Dohearis (all men must serve). That is a great title for this episode, especially considering the ending.

I really liked how the big reveal was handled. In the book ser
Barristan Selmy assumes different identity - he is known as
Arstan Whitebeard and he is revealed as Selmy in the end chapters of the book. As we get to see actors' faces on TV, it wouldn't work in the show. I'm also glad Selmy introduced himself here as we don't have to deal with "who the hell was this old dude?" threads and the only ones we have to roll our eyes at are "who sent the little girl?!". Anyways...
As thrilling as it played out was, I'm not sure what will happen now considering Barristan/Jorah dynamics. There are consequences to Barristan's reveal in the books. A part of me wants them to change what happened there but they can't. It would be too big of a change.
But getting back to the fantastic scene - after Dany and Jorah saw Unsullied they talk and suddenly they spot a little girl playing with a box. You're in a dangerous city, you see a creepy child, by all means follow her with smile on your faces. The girl throws Dany the box and shows her to open it. When Daenerys does, a bizarre looking scorpion with the reflection of human face (this is like straight from dreams of Lovecraft) emerges and charges on her, moving like something sent from the future by Skynet.
And then the hooded man who we saw follow Daenerys stabs the scorpion and starts chasing after the girl. She opens her mouth reviling Nightshade stained teeth and she jumps into the water. Then she appears behind them, completely dry. Daenerys expresses gratitude toward the man for saving her life. I often say that the ending is the most important part of Game of Thrones episodes - more often they not they leave me speechless, with my heart pounding. And that ending was one of the best in the show's history.
The man takes off his hood, calls her "the Queen" and tells her he was searching for her. Daenerys asks Jorah if he knows who that man is. When Jorah responds he does I actually started to cry as that scene was so perfect and I usually cry when something really, really good happens to Dany. Jorah reveals to her that standing before them is ser Barristan Selmy, one of the BEST fighters in Seven Kingdoms and the kingsgurad to Robert Baratheon. Selmy kneels before the last Targaryen and apologizes to her for failing her father as he served for him before he bent the knee to Robert. He asks her to let him be a part of her guard and vows never to fail her again.
I have to mention one more thing - I really enjoyed
Ramin Djawadi's new tracks - the one we hear in the ending and the one played during dragons fishing scene. I cannot wait for new soundtrack.
Here is the promo for next week's episode -
Dark Wings, Dark Words. We get a glimpse of three fantastic scenes to come 1)
Sansa at the dinner with
Tyrells 2)
Jaime, horrified, when he sees the particularly charming group that surrounds him and
Another thing worth a look is the preview for HBO shows that includes few new
Game of Thrones moments, including the one with
Jon and
Ygritte in the cave:

It was a pretty good episode.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy Sam didn't die. Will Jon become interesting? :O Giants ooo.
Man Tyrion and Tywin. Ahmazing. I never doubted that Tywin will be a bastard.
Joffrey's such a joker :P I loved Margaery.
Sansa's going to do something stupid, isn't she? Littlefinger's a total creep.
Robb- meh.
DRAGONS!! That whole nipple thing :S :S And the child was so creepy. I completely forgot who Barristan was.
Jon will become slightly more interesting. Slightly :)
DeleteHe is a creep, isn't him? Sansa won't do anything too stupid, other than for saying the wrong things.
I thought people may forget. That scene with him rescuing Dany was in book 2, so if it happened last season it would be only one year gap since we saw him last.
Okay, I have to stop reading because you are now giving away book spoilers? :D Omg. Me liked the episode a lot though I missed Arya! Hopefully she'll get great moments this season as well though I assume a lot of the limelight will be shown over the dragons - iiiih, so big and pretty and Khaleesi for the win!
ReplyDeleteWhat book spoilers? I make a point of not doing that.
DeleteArya will be featured a lot next episode and in the entire season, she has really great story arc this year.
"I really liked how the big reveal was handled. In the book ser Barristan Selmy assumes different identity - he is known as Arstan Whitebeard and he is revealed as Selmy in the end chapters of the book. " - kind of spoily. :P
DeleteI didn't spoil anything. You spoiled it yourself, watching the show prior to reading the books. When you read A Clash of Kings now and get to a scene with old man rescuing Danerys you will know it's Barristan because you saw it in the series NOT because you read about it here.
DeleteYea, that's true too.. But with Game of Thrones I have learned that I forget the names super easily.. it's the situations I seem to remember. :D
DeleteI thought this was a great premiere. It definitely got the ball rolling. I'm said that Jaime, Brienne, and Arya weren't in it, but seeing them in the promo for next week is good.
ReplyDeleteShit will go down next episode, I hope that moment with Jaime all worried is what I think it is.
DeleteOh I didn't know Natalie Dormer is in this too, or is it another actress who looks like her??
ReplyDeleteIt's her, she joined the show in season 2 :)
DeleteAh I see. Btw, looks like your blog ate my first comment. I was saying I love that dragon animated GIF, sooo cute!! I still love Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon though :D
DeleteI don't know what's up with Blogger lately it's acting crazy...tumblr exploded all together several days ago so it could be worse, I suppose :)
DeleteThe 3 dragons on the show are really cute but they will kill a lot of people too :) Also Gustav doesn't like them, whenever they shriek he barks at the screen.
Great writeup, Sati. I really enjoyed this episode, even if it was all "set-up" for the rest of the season. My favorite scene was Tywin's verbal beatdown of Tyrion -- Charles Dance is just so damn good.
ReplyDeleteThank you, glad you liked the episode!
DeleteHe is amazing, I'm so looking forward to seeing more of him in this season.
They jammed a lot of stuff into this episode and even so I was shocked when it ended. The hour just flew by.. so happy this is back for the start of a new season.
ReplyDeleteMe too, but the wait for Sunday is killing me :)
DeleteGood summary. This premiere felt different to me than the first two seasons. With those they knew they really had to hit the ground running to either get people interested, or to show that the first season wasn't a fluke. With the third season it felt like they've decided they've got their audience and they can just start things out setting up the various stories, instead of having to have some kind of big moment in the premiere. I was disappointed not to see Arya in this episode, but they have so many storylines they have to split them among episodes (and it's only going to get worse in regards to separate storylines as the seasons go on.)
ReplyDeleteThanks! I think they will get inventive, move some characters around and with Stannis merging with Jon's storyline, King in the North storyline gone and many dead in other stories I hope they will find a way to make good TV out of it. It does seem they are ignoring the Greyjoys though, maybe they won't feature one of the brothers after all.