1. Pick one movie that "everyone" loves (the more iconic, the better). That movie must have a score of 75% or more on rottentomatoes.com. Tell us why you hate it.
2. Pick one movie that "everyone" hates (the more notorious, the better). That movie must have a score of 35% or less on rottentomatoes.com. Tell us why you love it.
3. Include the tomato meter scores of both movies.
Who can forget my previous entries - 2017, 2015 and 2014. Last year I was blessed with a movie I violently hated in Baby Driver. Now, there is plenty of movies I hated this year and last but somehow when coming up with the film to hate on this week when I wrote this Call Me By Your Name, which Dell himself trashed and A Quiet Place which I personally trashed already and has 95% on RT (what the FUCK, man) escaped my memory. I was going to go with Arrival but I am supposed to give it another chance so I didn't choose this one. I was also considering defending the latest Pirates of the Caribbean movie but I'd rather eat my own shit than defend anything with Depp, so here we are.

I remember being mildly annoyed by this film but now that Joss Whedon was confirmed to be a pig and Scarlett Johansson is progressively becoming more and more of a piece of trash with, it seems, every passing month and still remains the highest paid actress in Hollywood somehow, I decided to just go ahead and pick this one.When you see a score like that for something this messy and forgettable you really have to wonder if Rotten Tomatoes doesn't put an effort to keep Disney happy. A nonsensical, boring and utterly misogynistic (who can forget Black Widow declaring she is a monster because she cannot have children?) movie that has no business getting majorly good reviews. Quicksilver shows up to quip and die, Scarlet Witch sports absolutely horrific accent and James Spader is utterly wasted. The only redeeming thing about this movie is Chris Evans chopping wood. MCU's worst effort here. Not just forgettable like Doctor Strange and Homecoming, but also offensive, stupid and overstuffed.

Shockingly, not many movies with Jason qualified for this blogathon. I've seen almost all of them and there is no way I can sit here and defend Wolves with a straight face so Conan the Barbarian it is.
Jason shows his ass in this. Also it's really not that bad.
The movie, I mean. Because the ass is God tier.
I could write more but this should be enough for you to see the film and understand that 23% is way too low.
Such sights.....should be celebrated.
Ultron is definitely lower-tier MCU. I liked it the first time I saw it, but didn't love it. The more I think about it, the worse it gets so I understand. Conan was also a giant mess, but it was kinda fun with all the action.
ReplyDeleteThanks for doing this again!
You're welcome, love that blogathon!
DeleteI have not seen either of these but I heard that the first flick is a big mess. I still want to see it but, I think, with all these super heroes, the script got lost in the mayhem. I enjoyed the first Conan with Arnie but haven’t seen this one and not sure I will.
ReplyDeleteI love Ultron but I 100% agree with some of the criticism, mostly surrounding Bruce/Nat. Ugh. Thankfully The Russos have the Avengers now.
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen Conan. For a second I thought it was that shitty Hercules movie The Rock was in where he yelled "fucking centaurs" lol
Oh my God that happened? :D The Rock really does it all, doesn't he
DeleteI rewatched Age of Ultron before Infinity War and it's one of the weakest in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen Conan but I guess it's worth watching for Jason's ass.
Oh absolutely, watch it! :D
DeleteI gave up on X-Men movies long ago when they fell into a rut of repetitiveness so I haven't seen this one.
ReplyDeleteI've seen the original Conan with Schwarzenegger but never this one and never had any real desire to but probably wouldn't turn it off if I ran across it on TV.
This is Avengers, slightly better than most X-Men films :)
DeleteAge of Ultron is crap, isn't it? I never thought about it but you're very right. Is the latest PotC good then?
ReplyDeleteIt's not exactly good but it's pretty entertaining, several very funny moments!
DeleteDude. I was dragged to see Ultron, and having no real context of the previous movies, I was lost AF. And bored. Very, very bored.
ReplyDeleteIt's so boring! Not even hot dudes help
DeleteThis is a great blogathon and your post was excellent.
ReplyDeleteThank you! :)
DeleteYeah, Ultron didn't do it for me, either. At the time, I was blaming the studio. After Justice League though? Yeah, I retroactively think Whedon deserves more than his fair share of the blame for Ultron turning out the way it did, too.
ReplyDeleteWhedon is poison :D