Anticipating Movie of 2014

I'm really looking forward to Maleficent. It's likely it will be another cash grab with annoying cutesy visuals like Oz or Alice in Wonderland but at the very last Angelina is going to ace it.
Book Adaptation I'd Love To See

I'd love to see Master and Margarita adapted in all its surrealistic splendor. It's such a great book and it would made for a wonderful movie, if done right.
Celebrity I'd Most Like To Meet

Dream Director/Actor Pairing

Darren Aronofsky is fantastic and Vera Farmiga can do everything. Psychological thriller in the vain of Black Swan with her as the lead would be incredible. I hope Aronofsky goes back to doing thrillers because this whole let's-make-an-epic-film-now thing doesn't suit him as well as exploring human mind and its nightmares.
Essential Classic Film

There is simply no way they could make Carrie into a better movie than De Palma's version. It is a timeless masterpiece and one that was so inventive back then that still remains a marvelously well made movie today.The prom sequence remains one of the most stellar scenes I've seen.
Favorite Film Franchise

I really like all Harry Potter films and I could rewatch them very often. Filled with fantastic actors, amazing action and production values and with great story at the centre.
Genre I Watch The Most

Horror. I'm a masochist. I always jump and jump scares. I always freak out. Yet whenever new horror movie is out, sooner or later, I'll watch it.
Hidden Gem

That would be Dark Harbor, little known fantastic and atmospheric thriller with Alan Rickman and lovely Polly Walker. It's like something Bergman would have made.
Important Moment in My Film Life

Seeing Moulin Rouge in cinema. That movie sparked my love for films.
Just Right Movie for A Rainy Day

Snatch. It's so funny and entertaining, never fails to make me laugh no matter how often I see it.
Kiddie Movie I Still Shamelessly Enjoy

Sleeping Beauty. Mostly for Maleficent. She is just so awesome.
Location I'd Most Like To Visit

Asgard. I'd rule it with Loki and make it less bright and shiny. It's much too bright and shiny. No wonder poor thing snapped.
Movie That I Know by Heart

In the Loop. Fairly certain I know each line from that one.
Netflix Movie I Actually Watched

I don't have Netflix here but I do have TV with tons of movie stations I don't usually watch, I don't even know why. Anyways, I caught Cat on a Hot Tin Roof recently and I really liked it. It's in my Blind Spot 2014 list which I haven't publish yet.
One Movie I Saw In Theaters More Than 1x

Pirates of the Carribean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. It was just so much fun.
Preferred Place To Watch A New Movie

Nothing beats the magic of cinema and the big screen.
Quote that Inspires Me

The only person standing in your way is you. If you forget about your imagined limitations, focus, work hard and put your heart and mind to things, you can achieve anything you want.
Remakes (Friend or Foe?)

Some remakes work (The Ring, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) but I'm usually not a fan of idea. However I often given them a shot, but sometimes the first version is so good the attempt to remake it is doomed from the beginning.
Snack I Enjoy Most

I don't usually eat while watching movies but in cinema I do drink Coke.
Twist That Boggled My Mind

I was stunned. I did not see the twist in Atonement coming at all.
Unapologetic Fanperson For:

George Clooney. Unless he rapes a goat or something, I'm forever on his side.
Very Excited For Award Show Season?

I'm always excited even If I can predict who wins. It's just so much fun to watch the ceremonies and I try to watch them all live.
Wish I Never Watched...

Antichrist or any of Von Trier's movies with the exception of Melancholia which was uncharacteristically good.
XXX Movie I Watched At A Really Young Age

Se7en. I was 11 or something I guess.
Your latest movie-related obsession

Classic horror flicks. The horror films today follow the same formula and fail to surprise, horrors back them had actually unique and freaky stuff in them.

Tree of Life. Jesus H Christ. I never buy coffee in the cinema because it's ridiculously expensive but I truly believe if I hadn't and didn't drink it during this one I'd slip into a coma and never wake up.
This probably isn't the best time to mention I actually met Tom when I was in Toronto. (I also saw Idris when I was there too, but that's another story.)
ReplyDeleteI really need to re-watch In the Loop. It's been too long.
Oh God, I'd die :) I bet he is as charming as he looks :)
DeleteIn the Loop is simply timeless and eternally hilarious :)
Ooo some great answers! I wish I had seen Moulin Rouge! in theatres. Such an awesome film. And love the love for HP, Hiddles, Clooney and the hate for Antichrist :)
ReplyDeleteIt was pretty awesome to see it in cinema, lots of walk outs, though :)
DeleteGreat list! I wish I could un-see AntiChrist too. I wish I could un-see all of his films actually, including Melonchalia. I actually fast forwarded through the opening sequence in that one. Thank god for VOD. lol
ReplyDeleteThank you! Haha yeah that was one long opening sequence:)
Delete"Unapologetic Fanperson For:George Clooney. Unless he rapes a goat or something, I'm forever on his side." When I first saw his picture he was ok, but while I was reading 'unless he rapes a goat or sth' and looked at his shiny eyes I could not resist on cracking myself from laughter.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, coffee is way too expensive in cinemas (finally someone to notice :) cause I love coffee ) as if Angelina Jolie made it herself for me. But you know what they say, 'Gota keep the money flowin'
Yeah that's one of the few things that would make it difficult for me to be his fangirl :P
DeleteEverything is way too expensive there. It's insane. Movie tickets, popcorn, drinks..it's only getting worse and worse.
Oh yeah it is! It doesn't really matter where you are, the whole world is printing currency like crazy!
DeleteAnd man, Pirates of the Carribean: The Curse of the Black Pearl is movie that my mother and dad watched like 3 or 4 times at home, and my mom pointed it out because she loved it! (and she never goes to the cinema).
It's such a fun movie! Shame that it was beginning for the very repetitive path for Depp.
Delete"2013: The American producer Scott Steindorff is preparing the film The Master and Margarita. Many names of possible directors and actors have already been mentioned, especially in the Russian press, but the only name which can be confirmed right now, is Caroline Thompson (The Addams Family, Edward Scissorhands, Black Beauty), who is working on the script." - there's still hope.
ReplyDeleteLast choice is 100% accurate.
God I really hope they will finally make a decent movie based on this one!
DeleteAwesome list Margaret! Thanks for participating and the link!
ReplyDeleteOh yes, Tom Hiddleston. But I would also want to go home with him too. :D Have you read The Goat by Edward Albee? If anyone - even any celebrity - does anything with a goat, I'm out.
Noah is something I have high hopes for, but you're right - the this-is-an-epic-film approach doesn't suit him.
Thank you!
DeleteOh, me too :P I haven't. Goat is the first thing that came to my mind with this one, for some reason :D
Really good choices here. Funnily enough, I was going to do this post tomorrow. You doing it has spurred me on even more.
ReplyDeleteTotally agree with you on the remakes one, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo remake is one of my favorite films. I watched the original series first, then the remake and I still can't choose which ones better. I hope Fincher is still going to direct the second one. Cannot. Wait.
Awesome, I'm gonna check yours in a moment!
DeleteI really hope so for the second one, the first one was so good and Mara and Craig were fantastic and Fincher's style suits the story so well.
OK, maybe I will participate in this blog-a-thon. There's a lot of stuff I have to say though I disagree with you on von Trier and The Tree of Life though I do agree that the only place to watch a film is at the cinema.
ReplyDeleteI have a problem with Mallick's films. Even Thin Red Line, which I liked, was too slow for me.
DeleteI literally fell asleep watching Tree of Life and awwwww, so happy you like Coke. ;) I'm gonna add Dark Harbor to my watchlist now, too, then.
ReplyDeleteIt was so damn boring :/ Dark Harbor is awesome, hope you'll like it!
DeleteI'd love to meet hiddles too! although i would probably a) sputters nonsense and embarassed myself or b) my mind would short circuited and i would lost the ability to talk. Yep.
ReplyDeleteHorror is the one genre i would avoid like a disease! I would only watched it if a lot of people said it was a really, really, really good one.. But i do enjoy some of the classics despite my ultimate fear.
I'd freeze. And then I'd gesture to the piece of paper and pen. Hopefully he'd understand I mean 'please give me your autograph' :P
DeleteYeah I don't have many people to watch horror with, it's not a popular genre and as I wrote - masochistic one :)
Very cool! I love that you could do whatever you want for each alphabet. Oh I'd LOVE to meet Hiddles too, what girl wouldn't? ;)
ReplyDelete*Fingers crossed this comment doesn't disappear again
Hiddles is <3 :)
DeleteSome great answers here Sati. I haven't heard if the film Dark Harbor before but I'll look that up, cheers!
ReplyDeleteI hope you'll see it, it's awesome!
DeleteAwesome post! Love the Harry Potter and Pirates of the Caribbean mentions. Those are so much fun!
ReplyDeleteHaha, I actually did fall asleep when I watched The Tree of Life the first time. Still, I do love it. :)
Thank you! It's one slow movie, Jesus I really was scared I won't ever wake up if I doze off :P
DeleteHoly crap, I just adore your list! My alphabet movie meme looks different to yours, but I truly share many of your choices in my heart. Tree of Life made me very........... *yawns*, oh excuse me, I nearly fell asleep just thinking about it. As for Lars Von Trier, I can't stand his films except for Melancholia AND Breaking the Waves (which I think is his best). I think our biggest similarity is our love for 'Sleeping Beauty,' and especially Maleficent. She is BY FAR my favourite Disney villain... you can't beat her epic voice, her pure-evil intentions... she's perfect. I pray Jolie does her justice.
ReplyDeleteIncidentally, Judge Claude Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame is my second favourite Disney villain :)
I liked Watson's work in Breaking the Waves, but I found the film to be grossly exploitative and manipulative, like most of Von Trier's work. Oh, same here Maleficent is my favorite Disney villain - she is so cool, charismatic and elegant.
DeleteFrollo was badass too, he was probably the most PG-13 rated villain Disney had.
Fun post! I would totally watch an Aronofsky/Farmiga film. Also, glad to hear you dug Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. I gave that a watch last year and absolutely loved it. Newman and Taylor were both phenomenal in that one.
ReplyDeleteI really liked the movie, it was very much the kind of film I like - toxic relationship at the center and very dialogue oriented film.
DeleteOh this is such a good idea for a blogathon. I'll get started on mine.
ReplyDeleteGreat choices, completely agree about Tree of Life. What a waste of time.
I can't wait to see your choices!
DeleteGoddamit that was one slow movie.