Sunday, June 9, 2019

Screaming Sunday - Ma

By s. Sunday, June 9, 2019 , ,
Movie rating: 72 /100
Plot: A lonely woman befriends a group of teenagers and decides to let them party at her house. Just when the kids think their luck couldn't get any better, things start happening that make them question the intention of their host.
The heroes: A bunch of teenagers who just want to drink and party.
The antagonists: Ma, played flawlessly by the great Octavia Spencer.
Best scene: It's hard to choose because every single time Ma is on the screen the film is so much fun.
Oh-oh something's not right line: Strip.
What makes it so great? This is trashy, pulpy fun. The script is absolutely atrocious - at various points the teenagers are like "we are not going there anymore" and the very next scene is them partying at Ma's house - but Octavia Spencer's delicious performance makes it worth watching. While the gore is never too crazy and the teenage characters are quite bland, Juliette Lewis, Luke Evans and Allison Janney (in cameo performance) deliver pretty great work. But the movie belongs to Spencer, which is only fitting, since even though she got her Oscar years ago, this is her first leading role.
Scare factor:  - 3/5 evil pumpkins - I'm sure almost everyone was mean to someone in high school (albeit what happened to Ma was nightmarish and I hope very few people out there are capable of such cruelty) so....yep. It could happen to anyone, especially given how many unbalanced people are out there.
Gore factor:- 2/5 bloody Leatherfaces - there are few bits that were very disturbing but it's never excessive. The most upsetting thing is probably the dog being hurt (don't worry, he lives).
Is there a twist? Yes, as in the twist is the only thing that wasn't hinted at/shown in the trailers.
Unsuitable for: Teenagers. Single mothers. Guys who were psychopathic assholes in high-school.
Repercussions: Fear of needles. Fear of parties. Fear of paint.


  1. I can't find anyone who wants to see this with me! At least if I go alone it doesn't seem like it will be that upsetting and the adult cast is great. Thanks for the heads up on the dog.

    1. It's not that gory so you'll be fine! And the pets are all doing well at the end :)

  2. Octavia Spencer is an absolute legend!
    That "strip" moment was so WTF! It went from 0 to 100 in a heartbeat!

    1. Right?! I would question why they came back after that but then again teenagers are so dumb 😂

  3. I'm glad to hear this isn't too gory. I love these kind of movies but can't handle the excessive bloodshed usually. So knowing it's not that bad means I can watch! Also I f*cking love Octavia Spencer. I can't believe this is her first lead role!

    1. Well its not say Hostel kind of bad 😂it feels tame though but I watch a lot of horror flicks so maybe its just hard to freak me out

      It's ridiculous an Oscar Winning actress had to wait this long for a lead role

    2. I wanted to see it so I may try anyway and just cover my eyes if the gross sh*t starts! It looked like such a fun premise.

    3. It is! Really worth it for Octavia's performance!

  4. This looks fun, can't wait till it's released here! Great to see Octavia Spencer in a leading role. :)

    1. I think you'll like it! The script is stupid but it's a lot of fun to watch! :)

  5. I decided to pass this after seeing the trailer several times, but your review is making me reconsider it. If Octavia is that good, I sure can’t miss it!

    1. She is excellent! If the movie wasn't so trashy she could be getting some nominations for it

  6. Damn this isn't anywhere in cinemas down here! I wanna see it just for Octavia Spencer!

    1. I'll hope it gets released over there soon! She is amazing in it

  7. It doesn't look like it is coming here at all. Oh well, the internet always awaits, just gotta try and forget about it for a few months =]

    1. Nowadays its usually 2 months till something is on iTunes

  8. I'm definitely going to try to catch this sometime this week!

  9. Just watched the movie and man, was it crazy!!! But Octavia Spencer was fantastic as Ma!
