Plot: A dramatic retelling of the post-Watergate television interviews between British talk-show host David Frost and former president Richard Nixon.
Director: Ron Howard
Writers: Peter Morgan (screenplay), Peter Morgan (play)
Stars: Frank Langella, Michael Sheen and Kevin Bacon
"Only one can win, Mr. Frost"
The first duty of a man is the seeking after and the investigation of truth.
I never liked Ron Howard's movies. I was disgusted when I saw Russel Crowe painting invisible umbrella on the sky for Jennifer Conelly (A Beautiful Mind) and I nearly vomited when Audrey Tautou said 'c'est ne pas possible!' in the butchered adaptation od 'The Da Vinci Code". So when I heard about 'Frost/Nixon' i thought that it's gonna be filled with cheap tricks, pathetic and forced emotional scenes (like the one with Nobel prize in ABM at that point I nearly puked on my TV too).
But what a surprise! Not only is the movie one of the finest ones this year, it is one of the best political thrillers I've ever seen. And what a unique kind of a thriller it is.
I'm not exactly sure what was up with Watergate and prior to the movie I had absolutely no idea who David Frost was. But I was excited and I saw the movie because of the wonderful cast - Michael Sheen, who I adored so much in 'The Queen', Sam Rockwell, who is one of the most underrated actors right now, Kevin Bacon, who was great in 'Mystic River' and he does wonderful things on screen if he doesn't play a vilian and Rebecca Hall, golden globe nominee for new Woody Allen's movie 'Vicky Cristina Barcelona'.
Another strong side of the film is the amazing screenplay by Peter Morgan, same person who wrote 'The Queen' (btw apparantly the man is loving Michael Sheen as much as i do, since with 'Damned United' which premieres in march they will have made 4 movies together). The story, presented almost as documentary, without any shootouts, any car chases, any wild love scenes, without fights, without explosions, is the most thrilling thig I saw among oscar nominated movies this year. Frost's interviews with Nixon are indeed like a boxing match, which has its viewer on the edge of the seat through the whole thing, beautifully dramatized with the help of some of the finest editing and cinematography i saw in a very long time, and more importantly, masterpiece soundtrack by Hans Zimmer.
I had a very hard time figuring out the importance of that final phone call, after which the fellowing day Frost got his wanted confession of sins from Nixon. Then finally I understand that at that moment, when Nixon shouted about his feelings, his disappointments, drunk and furious, Frost had realized that he can defeat him. It was like slap across the face and waking call - only one of them could win that battle.
Prior to it's adaption the movie's story was a theatre play, and Sheen and Langella were Frost and Nixon on stage. There is one other movie this year which was previously a play - 'Doubt' - in that case you can totally see it, it was actually destined to be that way, but "Frost/Nixon' with it's complexity, many settings, bunch of different footage and importance of the story seems to be a dream movie material and apparantly even Ron Howard couldn't screw it up. It's one of the best movies of 2008.
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